gleeb: OK, I've found the bubble reputation, now how do I get out of the mouth of this cannon? |
wd40: Number Six tries to escape the Village in one of the quaint motorcars, but security is soon on his tail. |
gleeb: Since the Village folded, Rover has since got a job directing traffic. Which goes to show, you can't keep a good weather balloon down. |
UnReality: "It's for capping in the face of adversity." "Ad--?" "PUMAT jokes." "Ohhhh..." |
wd40: Another day, another load of butchered hobbits, fresh from the hole! |
MilkboxLarry: .oO "What the hell? Insert quarter to continue writing? What a freakin' rip-off..." Oo. |
MilkboxLarry: "Yeah, so what if I'm up to three bottles day? I can quit whenever I want to!" |
Generik: When circumcision goes too far... |
Generik: "Make a note, Miss Davis... I'd like the morning sun's rays to shine on me in a benevolent fashion from 8 AM until I leave every afternoon at 4:30... just like this..." |
144b: Slow down, Hoke?! Shut up, you old skinny, white woman! |
Agent_Moldy: "That washer didn't separate those plaids on its own!" Ripped from today's clotheslines, "Law & Order: Washer Repair Unit". |
JurassicPork: "Dishwashing liquid? You whore!" The untimely death of Madge. |
Dante83: "This pie chart represents the amount everyone in this office eats in one day. Guess who's 'Orange' tubby." |
Agent_Moldy: Statistics were much easier to understand with the advent of the I Like Pie Chart. |
Dante83: Once she took out that Pie chart, she lost him. "Tell me, do you have a Linzer Tart Chart as well?" |
Dante83: Alternate Title: "Get Used to Being Screwed Now." |
eraserhead: President Bettie's new flag design seemed a little egotistical |
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