Moatas: "If I didn't know any better, I'd say that the dead Mr. Jenkins here is really a V-6, small block." |
cambria36: Boeing says, "Fuck it......back to basics." |
UnReality: "Seabiscuit II: Off to the Glue Factory" |
evetsggod: you do the math |
gleeb: Hundreds of algebra students cheer! |
cambria36: But unfortunately, they were traveling in the same direction. |
Agent_Moldy: If only Train A had left Chicago at 11:00 a.m., travelling west at 60 mph while Train B left Denver at 10:30 a.m., travelling east at 50 mph instead. Tsk. |
tinaw: The statue shocks and disgusts most citizens, 50 years later, a highly praised symbol of culture. |
144b: Life's a scream in middle management. |
evetsggod: moog operator, how can i help you? oh, mr carlos! um, sorry, ms carlos.... |
Indomitus: "S'alright in da box?" |
Generik: "Damn... that baby carriage sure went by fast, didn't it?" The Prom of the Battleship Potemkin. |
da_upstart: Steamboat Willie's River Brothel & Casino |
gleeb: Draining the old "Liberty Tree". |
144b: This weekend I went to the witch burning at Middlebury. `That was a hoot. |
gleeb: Representatives of the 18th and 20th centuries conspire against the 19th! |
tinaw: "Heh-heh! Look at 'im wallow in his own pit of self-loathing and despair!" |
144b: So, how long have you had this? Oh, 'bout 35 years. 'Twas my father's before that? A solid silver toilet, wow! |
144b: I can't believe it? They removed all of the Judy Bloom books?! |
tinaw: I don't know who that masked organizer was, but the world needs more heroes like . . .ACTION LIBRARIAN! |
wd40: "I can't get any sleep! ACTION LIBRARIAN tosses and turns all night, plotting revenge on the late book returners!" |
gleeb: Wherever knowledge needs classification, I'll be there. Wherever there is horseplay in the stacks, I'll be there. Wherever a people cry out for assistance in using an index, I'll be there!" |
gleeb: Hmm, not drawing very well. Maybe if I took my hand off the end... |
tinaw: .oO Hmmm . . . shouldn't put the fertilizer next to the tobacco pouch. . .Oo. |
gleeb: ACTION LIBRARIAN unleashes his "silent siren", alerting the super-sensitive hearing of the library's attack cat... |
tinaw: All work and no play makes ACTION LIBRARIAN devious and vengeful. |
tinaw: Gee, hate to break it. . . |
gleeb: Hmph, in my day it used to be "queer as a $3 bill"! Danged inflation! |
Hinermad: Adjusted for inflation, the proverbial three-dollar bill is now worth $51. |
Moatas: "What is 'the opening scene to The Thin Man' Alex." |
UnReality: Grandma Moses, Jedi Knight |
Angel_Noir: "Have you been flossing?" |
flavio: "Huh? Yeah, Huh? Yeah, Huh? Yeah, gold rush. |
gleeb: Meanwhile, in Ottawa... "But they're not taking the prospecting seriously! They're doing Burns and Schreiber routines!" |
flavio: PBS presents the epic documentary "Schreiber" by film maker Ken Burns |
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