cambria36: Why am I thinking of Dinah Shore right now? |
Agent_Moldy: "I say, Millicent, this is the worst taxi service ever! I swear we just keep going around in circles! And what's with all those children going up and down on horses who keep following us?" |
gleeb: Madam, if you're offended by smoking, you're free to go to a bar-room! |
Hinermad: Fred would go down to the INS office and offer hopeful immigrants jobs as diamond smugglers. Those that said they already -were- diamond smugglers he'd immediately rob. |
UnReality: The Old Man, the Sea, and Bob from Accounting |
TyranosaurisRex: 4. Sharpen arrows. |
NurseNoir: Oh boy... back to the dolls... |
gleeb: See, it's easy. You just make a loop, and then the other end goes around it... (from "Are you ready to tie your shoes?") |
Hinermad: "So, you think you two are ready for marriage?" "Oh, heck no! But our kids are." |
MilkboxLarry: "...and then you roll it down like this." "Uh, sir, why are you showing us how to roll a joint?" "Aren't you here for the 'Are You Ready For Cannabis?' seminar?" |
144b: Ah, the smell of Old Spice, Vitalis & flop sweat filled the gym as the prom stepped into high gear. |
gleeb: Be alarmed. Be very alarmed. No, alert, on guard, amused, definately not... |
MaxKeller: I don't think anybody in this room knows how to use a toliet. |
gleeb: Geena, honey, that's the clothes hamper.... |
Hinermad: The School Portrait of Dorian Gray |
Datazoid1701: The Head Injury Annonymous meeting will begin now. "Hello, my name, uh... and I am a, a, uh, uh..." |
Beckett: "Sod the wireless, Jenkins! I'm sitting right here!" |
GersonK: "Ed." "yeah, Ned." "Don't we have to be with the police to issue APB's?" |
gleeb: "Dangit, kid, why don't I ever get to work the radio?" "Because last time you started a hotel fire." |
Loodvig: "Where the hell did I put my double fried loose pork sandwich?" |
tinaw: It's 15 o'clock! Back to the slave mines! |
UnReality: "Well, traffic's pretty light out there today, folks. I guess that genetically engineered plague that's been sweeping the nation's finally caught up with us, so it's smooth sailing all the way." |
UnReality: "With your host, Lady Macbeth.' |
Yazzin: Look haaaaaaaarder. |
Yazzin: Surgeon General's Warning: This is your lung, smoker. |
MaxKeller: OK guys, heres what I've found out; They're searching for their satellite signal, so we should just stand by. |
delany: one of the weaker x-files. |
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