carbonbased: "You have the right to remain jolly. If you give up this right..." |
144b: Mr. Claus? Are you now or have yu ever been a menber of the Communist party? |
Matteus: Heil Ho Ho Ho Hitler! |
RodRocket: "And hey, Happy Chakakhan to all youse Jews, too!" |
mistie406: *sigh* Al showing off his titanium codpiece again. I hate him! |
carbonbased: Fortunately, the codpiece fad lasted only a few weeks in 1958. |
TurkeyVolGuessingMan: 0Oo "dammit. still no fish in this creek. just more of these weird shiny rocks..." |
gleeb: Come on fishies, come get your oatmeal! |
wd40: The scientific bulimic always checks his effulence to make sure the calories are expunged! |
wd40: True beleivers can see from this photographic evidence that the Earp Brothers, tools of the greedy developers, murdered the bucolic and pleasently rural Clanton Social Club members. |
gleeb: Always sober up before laying out the streets. |
YibbleGuy: They kept showing Gertrude Stein this map, but she still insisted that "There is no there there." |
gleeb: There is so a there there. It's right there! So there! |
gleeb: Turn-ons: bamboo, pandas who sleep a lot, and bamboo. Turn-offs: red pandas, pushy Chinese officals, and Stephen Jay Gould. |
144b: Now, that's art! |
mistie406: Diamond Diana, ogled by mixed-up zombies and FEELTHY PEEGS nationwide. |
TyranosaurisRex: Mrs. Robinson, are you trying to seduce me? |
gleeb: "I'm not bad, I'm just...OK, Charlie, ya got me, I am bad." |
Matteus: her legs are sausage packed |
YibbleGuy: Her ass-mottling indicates that she's the same species as Dax in "Deep Space Nine." |
144b: The townpeople gather for the 2:00 stoning. |
gleeb: A large crowd comes to appreciate the finer points of interpretive hopscotch... |
HoneyT: Wait a it "See no evil" first, or "Hear no evil"? |
HoneyT: oO You're dead, Charlton Heston. You're MINE. Oo |
Matteus: only at SilverfishLand! |
mistie406: Ride the Pukatron! |
HoneyT: Ride the Sandy Duncan Lost Eye! |
gleeb: Ride the Giant Sky Nipple! |
gleeb: Three solid hours of Fred Astaire sitting on his ass. |
mistie406: That's what Britney Spears does. |
Matteus: A.K.A. Nude Falling Down A Staircase |
FryGirl: How to take a pine tree hostage. |
Zee: Whtimancam |
elKapitan: .oO(There must be some way I can steal his hair......)Oo. |
144b: Hey, where's the Beeman's chewing gum at? They stopped making it, Gramps. After all those deaths. |
beckett: "Oh no Mr. Johnson, we HATE liver, but Larry likes to do some very sick things with it." |
UnReality: "Shh! The chairs are sleeping." |
gleeb: It's so conservative, it's restricted. |
Dankerella: Dude, where's my car...wallet, keys, high school diploma, job, life, girlfriend, ex-wife, dog, and beer? |
gleeb: The annual Harvey Day Parade. |
Hinermad: Ever since stealth technology was invented, military parades have been much more boring. |
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