DiscoBoy: The DendroTerminator -- "Just try counting my rings now, you rat bastards!" |
DiscoBoy: Home of the Kennedys since November, 1963. |
DiscoBoy: Waiting patiently for white afros to come back in style... |
Kobra_Kai: ...through improper use of an Etch-A-Sketch. |
Kobra_Kai: "Hah! We both got paper again! When will this crazy, merry-go-round existence ever end?!!! Ha-Ha!!! <wheeze>" |
animebabe: Memoirs of a dogman. Chapter 3. "Drove down the road today. Wanted to stick my head out the window so very bad. Must keep up regular man appearances" |
animebabe: Memoirs of a dogman. Chapter 4. "Saw the best bitch today. As I walked up to her to sniff her butt, she hit me with her purse. I am confused and lonely." |
DiscoBoy: The Adventures of Gumby, Queen of the Dessert. |
DiscoBoy: "...and then there was the time in Nam when I had to hide in a yak's anus to escape from the Viet Cong..." |
famousmortimer: What's that sound? I think the milk just expired. |
DeucePM: The keogh, most feared of all mythical sea-creatures, rose from the depths to make its sacrifice indistinct. |
NurseNoir: "Jimmy, the only milk I could find was what was in Mommy's little pump thing..." |
DeucePM: *sniff* "I'm the loneliest warrior of all." |
DiscoBoy: "Oh my god! They killed Kikkoman! Those bastards!" |
JoeCrow: The CuisenArt accident left the JuiceMan alone and friendless. |
Scouty: <reads> "...under penalty of law, do not remove. Stay with the bottle until police arrive... THE HELL???" |
YingYang: "The Keebler Elves won't know what hit them!" |
Croe: Kiss is beginning to fray at the edges. |
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