NurseNoir: Today, on "Iron Chef": Battle Placenta! |
UnReality: "Police baffled about where they got all the brooms in the first place." |
DiscoBoy: "I can see my louse from here!" |
YingYang: "We've shared this office for ten years now, Lou, and Ithink it's time I tell you...Well....You're a goofy bastard and you smell like potatoes." |
YingYang: "Do you boys know what a circle jerk is? It's the most effective tool we have as a team...Now drop trou, and tackle out...." |
YingYang: "You wanted to know where that creamy stuff comes from, Billy? Well, check it out!" |
tinaw: Always apply a light touch. |
Halfmech: The Many Moods of KITT: "bemused." |
Halfmech: Jack in. Dial back. Enjoy the show... It's the "Matrix Comedy Hour!" |
DiscoBoy: "Now, class, it's time to learn about the Dirty Sanchez. Can I have two volunteers come forward, please?" |
shanky: "Quick show of hands. Who would like to bang the new music teacher?" |
DiscoBoy: "We can't let those dirty Reds get their hands on our circle technology!" |
144b: k.d. Lang & Gregory Peck in To Kill a Monking Bird 2. Soout Comes out. |
144b: It's the county socal worker! Quick throw that blanket over grandmaw! |
jildo: Crap! I thought there was a lake here! |
gleeb: Unfortunately, by the time I'd finished my dugout caone, the rainy season was over. |
UnReality: "Read back that part about my massive, plus-sized penis." |
UnReality: THAT'S the dread Cthulhu? |
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