"Caption This! Gallery Page 5"

"So then Baker comes at me with a big left fist, like THIS!" "Grampa!" "Ow." "Did you take your pills?" "I tried, but Baker knocked 'em out of my mouth."

Jerry OConnel didnt want to gross out Neve Camble during the Scream filming, so guest stuntman Harrison Ford was brought in to "innocently" grab her boob.

NBC's making a splash with its new summer-replacement sitcom, The Aquarium Family! Let's watch! "Bbllgglgjblbgub?" "Bgbbgubglilbgubglug!" *laughter*

"Ah, finally a chance to see the inner-workings of the Caption This! Screengrabber... oh, hello keogh!"

"Oh, look Ma laid out my clothes again! Doesn't she understand I'm in college? It's bad enough I still have to sleep in a crib!"

"What the hell is that?" *plucks logo off screen* *chucks logo* *applause*

"Don't believe me, well look right here. I took the Cosmo quiz. We're perfect for each other!" "Damn! Can't go againt what a magazine says! It must be true!"

"There, that hot coffee will teach you to get excited when I'm looking at pictures of George C. Scott!"

"Listen you twit, How many times do I have to tell you? I prefer 'Custodial Engineer'!"

While the SciFi Channel finds new and interesting ways to crush keogh's spirit and put him in a fetal position, we have time for a short break.

Jeff : Aries. Repressed homosexual. Likes jerky, Fritz the Cat, and Eyeliner. Hopes that his mother isn't watching.

Hey! I just noticed my last name's spelt like Bruce's! I wonder if I could be his long-lost kick-ass son! Ki-yaaa!

"I like my women the way I like my M&Ms. They melt in your mouth, not in your hand, and they sound like Jon Lovitz."

"Yeah, they wanted me for _Team Knight Rider_ but I wanted too much money. I mean, without Hasselhoff, what's the point?"

"Ever roll naked in honey and sawdust, and crawl into a cage fulla woodpeckers?"

Sci-Fi Factoid, since it's Fiction, how could we find a factoid? This ends this little segment for good!

"You just lean forward and prop 'em up on your forearms *thusly* and voila! It's even better than the Wonderbra!"

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