"Caption This! Gallery Page 2"

Micheal Palin's globtrotting documentary shows would get more attention if he did them dressed as that cyclist from a certain Monty Python episode...

"Dude, the only way we can really protect the ground water is to stick this giant straw in the earth and drink it all up."

...and in that vision he did see little boys with eyes the size of cantelopes, and scantily clad ninja women with breasts the size of the little boy's head.

Every year, the entire family dreaded August, when the whole clan got together for the family reunion/picnic. Even polite conversation would just explode.

Eager for ratings of any kind, PAX-TV creates their own Felicity clone called "Ociety." Gotta be better than the Love Boat reruns.

o/`...check with the sun / Carry a compass to help you along / Your feet are going to be on the ground / Your head is there to move you around / So STAND! o/`

But what the unsuspecting viewer doesn't know is that the SFC is beaming out 1,000's of subliminal messages... Like watch Sliders or die.

Autobots! Transform and roll out!

"Listen Tom, and listen close. One more time and M-O-O-N is gonna spell ruptured anal cavity, if ya catch my drift."

"And she said I enjoy pulling puppies' limbs off and watching them yelp for dear life... and that's true!" "CUT! CUT!"

Meanwhille, in Italy, lifeguards all over the country are observing "Bring Your Topless Daughter To Work Day."

"...and from this day it shall be a crime... to not wear Wranglers. By tomorrow we will have decided upon footwear. Thank you."

Even hepped up on a megasnort of crank, country music star Alan Jackson can't outrun the new 1999 Buick!

"Ha-ha-ha, he can't fool me, because I'm a moron."

"Oh yeah... this is much nicer than the Tollway... damned if I'm paying $4.50. Lovely sky."

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