"Caption This! Gallery Page 1"

Top execs sit around to discuss the future of NBC. "Hey, I think I got it gentlemen! What if we turned Saturday Night Live into a comedy!"

"o/` I can fly higher than an eagle..." "Stop it!" "...for you are the wind beneath my wings o/`" "Don't make me kick your ass!"

You unlock this door with the key of imagin... naw, I'm shittin' ya, it's just more crap we cooked up for keogh!"

"Now channel the spirit of Magic Johnson... try harder dear, harder" "Wait a sec, he's not even dead..." "Oh, it doesn't matter, his talk show is..."

"Oh, wow! It's too good to be true! I Can't Believe It's Not Butter finally has a website! There is a God!"

"Um... in the distance there, is that who I think it is?" "M-O-O-N. That means Mel Gibson's gonna kick your sorry ass, Sinise." "Hush!"

"it's alive... It's Alive... IT'S ALIVE!" "... wheeeere'sss... theeeeee... beeeeeef?..." "Kill it! Kill it now!"

"C'mon! Bring it on Lapre! I could kick your ass any day of the week! Unlees of course you bring along that blonde of yours... she scares me..."

"Yup, and you'll also want to look for me in "I Know I'm Profiting From Teenyboppers With Stupidly Hugh Wallets..." It's killer, man" *BLAM*

"Wait something is wrong. This film hasn't been formatted to fit this screen. Nor edited for content and time allotted..."

Easily distracted driver. "Ok, the turn should be coming up here soon... hey, a Cheeto..."

That rat-bastard C-3PO. Did he even check to see if that Jawa was dead before he threw him on the fire back in Star Wars. Bet you could hear that little bugger's death screams echo off the walls of Beggars Canyon for weeks.

"Donald King, you listen to your gramma. If you keep stickin' yo' thang in the light socket, and your hair'll stay like that forever!"

As we continue watching "The Screengrabber According to keogh", we start wondering why he *hasn't* killed himself. Have you seen my gun?

"Whoever owns the rust brown Camaro with the 'Honk if you're Horney' bumpersticker, your lights are on... I thought it was you Rob!"

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