"Will Cap for Food #71"
Note: Image was found in Werid_1's tribute to Shandi galleries.

Meanwhile, in Satan's boardroom: "His prosthetic arm, Mutt???" "Hey, he knew what it would take if he wanted to keep playing for Def Leppard..."

'Anyone got 4 D sized batteries handy?'

In its final season, the series took a bizarre turn as Dr. Richard Kimble met with his source on the street, Ralph "Huggy" Nader, who confirmed that this vital clue was "unsafe at any gesture." This trail could only lead Kimble to one man -- Sen. Daniel Inouye of Hawaii!

Sure, his anatomy students thought it was a good laugh, but Dr. Richard Kimball was not amused.

When told, "We'll need an extra hand for this next project.", Marty took the CEO a bit too literally...

At Smarh's tavern, the finer points of arm wrestling are taught. Here is Gail Durben working of one of the important elements of arm wrestling, the grip.

Little Known Fact: Ralph Nader started his consumer advocacy career by pointing out the fact that the prosthetic arms of that time offered no viable options to masturbatory amputees.

"The Soviet's early attempts at producing male gratification devices led to the coining of the phrase'lumber-jerk"'.

"Mr. Ash, please refrain from slapping me with your oversized prosthesis." "Don't piss me off, man, unless you wanna see the killer attachments I got for that."

Richard Benjamin stars with Jeanne Kirkpatrick, Mao Tse Tung, Guy Pearce and Anna Mae Wong in the remake of "A Big Hand for the Little Lady."

"Anybody lose a hand? I found one on my ass!...Oh. Oh dear. Oops. Sorry. No really, it was a joke. Very sorry. Uh, here you are."

It is the right of every American citizen to keep and bear arms.

Joseph "the bread" Panini knew ahead of time about the assassination plot and stopped "the axe"s ninja throwing arm mere inches from his head.

"Hey buddy! How about lending me a hand over here?"

.oOBoy, ol Fred wasn't jokin' when he bet his 'left arm' on that card game! HA!.. now what the hell am i gonna DO with this?? I wonder how much Def Leppard would pay for this baby???Oo.

"Bless me, oh most holy and divine Howdy Doody arm, that I may be able to enhance my 'wood' in the years to cum...er, come."

"And, at long last, Richard Kimble was vindicated."

Murray was so rich that he could afford to mail order his manicures.

"Need a Hand with that?" "No thanks, already on top of it.."

He has informed them that the main problem with any prosthetic device is its susceptibility to demonic possession. He will now produce fifty horror films to illustrate his point. He will get fired.

The Six Million Dollar Man has an unfortunate incident with eBay, and discovers that he's only worth \\$3.25.

Most people forget that the Invisible Man lost an arm in Viet Nam...

"Talk to the Hand!"

In keeping with the equal opportunity provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Hollywood brings you "Manos: The Prosthetic Hand of Fate."

When "Short Arm Inspection" had been announced the week before, Del was all atwitter with excitement. The reality somehow failed to live up to his expectations.

Mr. Nader was confused. Not that he had been anonymously sent yet another prosthetic limb, for he had received hundreds since the 2000 election. What confused him was that, unlike all the others, this one had more than just the middle finger extended.

What, was he too ashamed to pick his own nose?

Scientists from all over the world gather to determine, once and for all, the sound of one hand clapping.

Ralph Nader loses all credibility during the Senate hearings on automobile safety, when he starts speaking to the crash test dummy. "What's that Mr. Crash Test Dummy? You say you'd give an arm and a leg to make automobiles safe? HA! Arm and a leg! I get it!"

(Speaker) "Death was caused by the Anal Intruder."
(Panel) "We're familar with it."

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