"Will Cap for Food #42"

Meanwhile, outside Studio 54, DiscoBoy looked worried. Could his Travolta get-up and faux chest hair beat out Glitterrock's 'fro wig and Elton John glasses to win entry into the famed club? Maybe if he had flirted more with Steve Rubell...

The uber-Baldwin is captured on film by a hunter in the Pacific Northwest.

O~ I. ... I. . I. . . . I. . . I've got hair! I've got hair!!~O

'C'mon. Wait'll you see my 'spoon' collection.'

Clark Kent dashes out of the phone booth only to realize he went into the wrong one. Damn, Lex Luthor wins again....

"Sorry, I don't know any 'Kent Clark'. I'm *Discoman!*" "Put the glasses back on." "Discoman doesn't *need* glasses to boogie down!" "Kent, I'm over here, you're talking to a plant." "You're making my mood ring black, baby."

"There, I took my glasses off ... okay, sure I'll go home with ya, baby!"

Enrico stopped dead in his tracks as he realized that his chest-hair containment suit had breeched.

Bored with always turning into Superman, now when Clark Kent removes his glasses he turns into...The Disco Avenger! Does the hustle in his bare feet! Able to leap tall disco balls in a single bound! More powerful than a drum machine! The Discoooooooooo Avengerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This man was recently found frozen in the back of a freezer at famed closed disco Studio 54. It appears that he has been frozen since 1978. For the time being Anthropologists are keeping him in the dark as to the lenghth of his suspended animation. As they fear that the death of disco, free love, and the popularity of "blow" could be too much for him to take in. They are calling in councilors to slowly introduce New Wave music, punk, hair bands and finally grunge. To slowly bringing him into the fast approaching 21st Century.

"Huh?" His friends tried to warn him, but too late: The sun caught his glasses just right, the beam set his polyester ablaze, and moments later all that was left of him was a gold chain, ironically hot to the touch.

Greg Brady complains that having to play a straight, middle class dweeb on TV is "harshing my buzz, man. Check it out -- my mood ring is like, totally black, dude!"

He's hoping nobody saw him steal the bath rug and slip it in his jogging suit.

Do you think the dead chinchilla on my chest is too manly? Or should I have used beaver?

Clark Kent pitifully tries to blend in to "The Disco Era". *sigh*

By day, Bob was a computer programmer with no life. But when the call for help was needed, Bob would remove his glasses to become... SuperGayStud!!

"No time to disco, Lois! This looks like a job for Superman!"

"Getting down with my bad self sure would've been a lot easier if I'd remembered to put on my platform shoes... Ow! Ow! Damn, that pavement's hot!"

I've been captioning for over four years, now. I've won a Flarn Award for my Babylon 5 captions and have had several captions as honorable mentions in the big Hallowe'en Caption Contest a couple years back. I am noted for my high output of captions, some of which, by sheer luck, actually happen to be good. Yet all I can think of when I see this image is: "Where's my rifle?"

.oO Son of a bitch! I actually LMAO!!! I wonder if Richard Simmons knows about this?

Tad prided himself on his ability to combine the hair and fashion styles of Neil Diamond, Steve Austin, and the Puma Man, without losing any of that fey ostensibly-straight-but-we-really-know-better quality possessed by so many beloved stars of the 70s and early 80s.

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