"Will Cap for Food #206"

Dammit, Jed, face the camera like everyone else! What are you, some kinda freak?

Moments after this group picture was taken, the Black Bart automaton from the Big Zed’s Bearded Men of History theme park and RV wash, hit the Gabby Miner and when it was all over, 2 heads were destroyed, 4 torsos were lost and 3 ended up in jail.

In Michael Bay's remake of "Citizen Kane," Kane buys the National Enquirer, and commemorates the deal with a staff photo.

Unlike FDR, George W. Bush (seated, center) was successful in packing the Supreme Court with his own nominees.

The USA Olympic Snowboarding Team.

The Village People pose with their backwoods, inbred kin.

"Yeah, Marcel."
"Who's all these here people posin' with us?"
"Dunno all of 'em, Marcel, I thought you'd-a knowed."
"One of 'em's dressed like Uncle Sam."
"That is Uncle Sam, he jes' learnt tuh dress that way tuh git a leetle extry money posin' with tourists."
"We's related tuh a pirate and a baker?"
"He's a chef. That's A'int Sparkle's twin sons Pegleg and Pierre."
"Who's the Injuns?" "Cousin Pootin' Booty and his brother-in-law Chief Road Apple."
"I don' rekuhnize that clown a-tall!"
"That's George Bush."
"We's related tuh the Prezdint?"
"Yeah, but Paw said tuh keep quiet 'bout that so's we don't embarrass the fambly!"

In a rare bipartisan moment, the senior leadership of the US Congress poses for the press.

Will the REAL Cheech Marin please stand up?

Who will be the newest member of the band? Watch next week's premiere of... American Idol, Village People Edition! Wednesday at 8 pm!

"Scruffy, Snuffy, Cherokee Jack, Motorcycle Bluto, Dances with Steve, Chef Boyardee, Kid Whose First Job is Standing Outside an H+R Block Waving to Traffic, Emmett, Capn' Dave, Mini Midnite Cowboy, Lyle, Pile On Pete, Sourdough Sammy and Weekend Dad Clown Wearing a Baby Knapsac... Three of you will be going on to the final round of Village People Idol!"

It was a decent turnout for this year's Village People Auditions.

Killer Klowns and Prospektors and Yndians and also a Pyrate, Unkle Sam and Tommy Khong from Outer Space.

Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Bolton, and most of the others hated these yearly "Family Portraits," but W and Dick always insisted...

You might be a redneck if: this is the nativity scene in your front yard for the holidays.

The FEMA board and a few stray Bush Cabinet members convene in New Orleans to talk shop about disaster relief, haute cuisine, piracy and rodeo clowning.

Kinda makes me glad I missed the last cappers' gathering.

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Nightmare Fuel.

The Village People Tabernacle Choir never attracted more than a cult following. And a few cease-and-desist orders.

The Appalachian version of the Village People.

"A new theater just opened in Branson, Missouri, featuring the Village People and a midget."

Judges for the Olympic snowboarding event.

The KISS Army sure ain't what it used to be.

This is what happens when you let the Bush administration outsource spots in the Village Voice.

(not pictured: Uncle Clovis; Cousin Ezra; Charlie McCarthy's beard.)

The entire cast of Elkhart, Indiana's Improv '92 showed up for the reunion Barbecue and Greased Pig Fest.

(voice in back): "Bush sucks!"
(Bush to aide): "I thought you said this group wouldn't do that."

Due to the success of the gay cowboy movie "Brokeback Mountain" American directors have announced production on movies featuring gay pirates, gay motorcycle gangs, gay farmers, gay midgets, gay circus performers, and gay Presidents.

Group photo of contestants for the new Fox reality show "The New Village People."

At long last, Dick Cheney reveals the participants in his 2001 energy conference.

Rejects from the Village People tryouts.

My Last Family Reunion.

Man, the tryouts for the original Village People must have been rough. These guys look half dead!

A scientifically calculated representative cross-section of NASCAR fans.

The Village People go the way of other washed-up acts, open a nightclub in Branson, MO, are forced to add useless indigenous new members to the group, routinely get clobbered by the crowds from Yakov Smirnoff's club next door, and discover that it's no fun to stay at the YMCA after all.

Cowboy Pete's Wax Museum still packs 'em in down there in Ada, Oklahoma. Free balloons for the kids every Saturday!

Hiya kids and welcome to Osama's Razzle Dazzle God is Great Fun Hour!

"Greetings from the Island of Misfit Stereotypes."

After a recent raid on Michael Jackson's Neverland estate for unrelated reasons, authorities were finally able to close a cold case involving the theft of several Pirates of the Caribbean characters from Disneyland, circa 1982.

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