"Will Cap for Food #180"

Ladies, now you can keep that luxuriant, Lecteriffic feeling with you all day long with the new Hannibath Mask! Enriched with authentic fava bean skin and just a hint of Chianti, the Hannibath Mask is Fp-fp-fp-fp-FABULOUS!

This part of Happy Time-Joy Joy Action News Puppet Team Theater is brought to you by Ojia Dermal pleasure Bath Mask. Use Ojia Dermal pleasure Bath Mask! It will remove all forms for darkness from soul. And send them to the four winds, forever or your cash may be returned in small amounts until payment is restored to your account.

Scorpion wins . . . Bubble-bath-ality!

Yes, but does it jullienne fries?

Mail order bride domination has never been as easy as with the new Lectornator(R)! Keep her quiet and submissive in one easy step!

Damnit, woman, when I said to stop singing in the bathtub, I meant it! Your voice stinks!

In an unprecedented show of support, Japanese Michael Jackson fans have invented protective gear to allow him to continue to host kids at Neverland Ranch...

Soap bubbles in your nose and mouth got you down?

Bath time is now citrus-scented with the all-new Orange Aroma Facial Enhancer! Made from real Florida orange peels!

I served my self with some shiitake mushrooms and a nice cold sake...

Welcome so do you! New good! Soft Skin Face Suit bath soapy face suit make skin soft like silence of lamb! While supply last!

As soon as Hannibal Lecter saw this photo on the "Online Dating for Eccentrics" website, he knew he had found the woman of his dreams.

"Cashing in on the Martha Stewart craze, Hannibal Lechtor introduces his own fashion brand."

Who knew Hannibal Lector was Japanese when he was a kid?

Ladies, do you suffer from problem nailbiting?

Tired of your husband always begging for oral favors? Well, put an end to it forever with the new "Oral Chastity Belt." No longer will he ask to play "Bill & Monica" with you. And hey, ladies it is also great for those office interns that work so closely with your executive husband. The "Oral Chastity Belt" from Hilleryco. Buy one today.

(Loosely translated from the Japanese.) "Are you the kind of person who likes to take a warm bath after indulging your passion for cabbage? Fear no more! With Flatumask, you can turn your humble bathtub into a roiling colon-powered jacuzzi for all I care, and never be bothered by lung-collapsing odors. Why, they're even good for house plants, as witness behind me." (Flatumask is not responsible for tile damage, paint strippage or angry neighbors. Use only as directed. Not to be taken internally. Flatumask may not be used as a flotation device. Do not taunt Flatumask.)

"Does your pet ever resist bath time? Are you afraid of being bitten when it's time to clean your favorite girl? Well FEAR no more! Introducing the NEW 'HUSHMYBITCH' from Ronco! Cleaning your pet before or AFTER her favorite sport is a BREEZE with this new item!"

Okay, so maybe I'm not the world's biggest Godzilla fan, but even I know when Toho Studios is phoning it in.

"Fo' shizzle, m' muzzle!"

"Guaranteed to protect you from unsightly ring-around-the-chin."

(sob) If only they had these during *my* bubble-biting days...

Do you have a very limber child obsessed with auto-eroticism? Then, you need the Hannibal Lecter Tongue Block.

Mrs. Diabolik is taken away by Calgon.

Fava beans and silent lambs not included.

This AMAZING new product helps filter out the nasty smell when you "make your own bubbles" in the bathtub!
*Warning: will not filter out all smells, such as Mexican food. Noxious fumes may cause a temporary loss of consciousness which may result in drowning.

"After it applies the face mask, it puts the lotion on its skin."

Mortal Kombat's newest figher, Bedbath Beyondo, hasn't won popularity among the gamers, despite her paralyzing aromatherapy attacks.

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