"Will Cap for Food #123"
Note: Image was found in Werid_1's tribute to Shandi galleries.

And he told two naked Dr. Phils, and they told two naked Dr. Phils, and so on, and so on, and...

"Being Hector Elizondo"

Instead of hiring the Flying Elvises, why not be literary & hire one of Agatha Christie's most famous sleuths, au natural? Presenting, The Nude Hercule Poirots!

...and then Jeffrey Tambor woke up. But the memory of all that quivering man-flesh on display left him glowing for the rest of the day.

From the back of the bookstore "Where's Waldo's Prostate?"

Aaah, summer . . . when the swarms of DannyDevitos return to Capistrano . . .

Why do all my dreams start this way?

Pete Fountain waves before the start of the first annual Bald, Moustachioed, Naked Clarinetist Marathon in downtown New Orleans.

Yeah, they obviously don't have any weapons of mass destruction either.

The stunned Nak Congers then turned ugly and chanted in unison "Twas sunflashthemace who destroyed our AMS!!"
"And he killed Kenny!"
"No. He didn't. Get dressed Shorty."

"HEY! That guy in the mask touched my ass!"

"Questions? Yes, uh, the gentleman back there with the, uh, big... uh, very large... uh... mask."

Hedvig was TRYING to become a sophisticated traveller. She didn't want to embarrass her fiance again, but, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't distinguish between the locals. She felt like a stupid cliche... they STILL all looked alike to her.

"No, no, Seņor Almonte, when I asked for a salute, I didn't mean with your hand!"

I'm the guy from Maude, yes the real guy from Maude
All you other guys from Maude are just imitating
So won't the real guy from Maude please stand up?
Please stand up, please stand up

One of the strangest cults in all of China: The Worshipers of Sun Yat-Sen Naked Polar Bear Club.

"A problem immediately presented itself -- which was the *real* Hercule Poirot?"

At least they seem to have their heads on straight...

Halloween in San Francisco.

... on the other hand, if you go wearing a mask of Chairman Mao, you can walk naked with anyone, anyhow!

"Will the REAL Vicente Fox please put his pants on?"

Mario, Super Mario, and Lenin enjoy casual day.

"What are they all pointing at, George?"
"Well shucks, Laura. I think they're salutin' me. Ain't that right, Karl?"
"Um, sir, one of those things may be loaded. Why don't you step away from the balcony just in case?"
"Hell, Karl. Them there brown folks seem mighty nice. I want them to know I like brown folks just as much as the next fella."
"Sir, you do remember what happened to Clinton?"

"I'm Stalin!" "I'm Stalin!" "No, I'm Stalin!" etc...

And can you believe it? Any one of them *still* has a better body and head of hair than Generik.

So they don't care that their genitals are flapping about, but they are too shy to show their faces?

Carlo tried every trick he knew to hail a cab, but nothing worked... until he decided to "go native." The only problem then was where to keep his wallet.

Within hours of the foundation of UC Berkeley's Left-Handed Basque Kwanzaa-Celebrating Gay Nudist Lee van Cleef Impersonator Student Union, seven hundred people signed up.

Is it bad that I recognise them by their packages?

Though Miramax obviously was unwilling to front the make-up budget that would have been required to do it justice, the latest offering from Project Greenlight, "Charlie Chan And The Clone-O-Matic", still managed to be both more politically satirical AND more overtly homoerotic than anyone had expected, as this shot from the climax (pardon the expression) shows. Awarded Four Stars And An Erect Penis by Rex Reed, for "its unflinching yet humor-filled and ultimately life-affirming examination of the dehumanizing mechanization of post-modern neo-capitalism. And a lot of dick shots."

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