"Will Cap for Food #4"

Hey, where's the creame filling?

Koko would do just about anything to draw attention away from his butt...

Although Ronnie has been gone from the Presidency, lo these many years, Bonzo still enjoys his top level job with the Pentagon.

What the ape says: "At last my master plan is complete! With this final piece of armor I shall become Monkeenozan the Simian Avenger, destroyer of worlds and devourer of bananas! Beware my primal wrath, puny zookeepers!"
What the human hears: "Ack! Oop-oop! *scratch* *fart*"

The Chief Procurement Officer at the Pentagon inspects just one of the Special Holiday Issue toilet seats created for the Armed Services by McDonnell-Douglas at a cost of $900 each.

o/`"You oughta be in PUMPKINS!"~\o (see, the pumpkin looks like a frame, and -- it's FUNNY!)

"We here at the San Diego Zoo feel that the animals should participate in Halloween. On my left, you will see the 'Robot Monster' habitat."

Although most people know that broadcast television was not perfected until the 20th century, few realize just how long mankind struggled with the technical difficulties behind this remarkable achievement.

...and the idea of the Hubble is born!

Ah... exactly what I expected to see calling the shots in The Pentagon.

Tonight on 'Touched by a Monkey'- Chim Chim finds himself in a whole pile of trouble while at the Filth Flinging Target Range. *OOK OOK AH AH* *fling* *splat* *audience laughs* *applause* *fade to black* *cut to commercial*

A primative Jessie Helms comes up with an idea for a structure to house America's military branches.

After Tommy Hilfiger heard that orange was the new pink he hired this crack designer, fresh of his tour of the outer reaches of the universe on the S.O.L., to make the Pentagon's new uniforms.

Coming soon to a theater near you: Johny Depp is Dr. Zaius in "Simian Hollow!"

Early Military Contractor contemplates designs for armed forces headquarters building.

Tired of his friends' games of "Toss It," Gary constructed some primitive armor.

After years of frustrated searching and competency testing costing billions of tax dollars, the military chooses a contractor to build their much touted new 'Pentagon.'

"I thought you said doing this would make the new cappers like me!" No no, Ro-Man, it's just not the same without the diving helmet.

"Fire Photon Torpedos!" (The Sci Fi Prime Directive: Never interfere with banal programming.)

Coming soon to a theater near you - PumpkinHead III: Vengeance of Cheeta.

View Master technology, 3 Million BC.

"Lee Iacochimp?"

Robert McNamara's great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great-grandfather gets the idea to create a military-industrial complex.

Marlon Brando's stunning portrayal of Eliza Doolittle in Broadway's "My Fair Lady."

Gorillas haven't learned yet why we use a *small* knife to cut the tops off pumpkins before carving.

Gil the Gorilla comments on the food served at the Columbus Zoo by carving a "Zantac" heartburn pill out of a leftover Halloween decoration. Unfortunately, he ate it before a picture could be taken. A photographer did manage this shot though.

??? (no handle):
Richard Nixon shows off the Alger Hiss pumpking that contained the stolen microfilm.

"I see Bonzo and Cornelius and J. Fred Muggs and Kong and..."

Although Professor Pongo's primitive attempt to create a virtual reality helmet ultimately failed, it DID lead to a renaissance (of sorts) in the field of gorilla jack-o-lantern carving.

Dateline, 1940... Bingo the orangutan explains his Pentagon concept to the U.S. Department of Defense. (Cue 2001: A Space Odyssey theme) ~ "My God! It's full of men wearing stars!"

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