"Will Cap for Food #3"

o/ Ohhhhh... let's have an UltraBoris Christmas, one and allll...o/

"No one had the heart to tell Dad that he was going overboard with the whole "Family Feud" thing."

Of course, in the final version one of the men would be black, and they wouldn't all be members of an expatriate group of royal Lithuanian circus folk. But such squabbles aside, the primary themes & motifs that would eventually come to typify the Mod Squad were all captured in this early publicity photo.

Apparently in the Middle Ages, the "human limbo" was all the rage.

The winner, first & second runner-up in the Madam Curie look-a-like contest. It wasn't a very good turn-out.

After being bitten by a gay radioactive lion tamer, the trio acquired super powers and vowed to spend the rest of their lives fighting crime.

I didn't know Higgins was a fairy.

"By the power vested in me, by the great state of Nevada, I now pronounce you... um... extremely siily married people. You may now kiss the... um... I'm just guessing here... bride? A light buffet with a no-host bar is available in the reception hall."

And, since they all preferred boxers, history would record, "We three kings..."

Queen Elizabeth, Charles and the Duke of Windsor demonstrate their grief on the anniverary of Princess Di's untimely death.

"...nooney nooney nooney, bibbity bobbity boo. By the power vested in me by the State of California, I now pronounce you Prince Spiderthighs and Queen Elizabeth III. You may now administer wedgies to each other. OK... where's my $50?"

"I, the most excellent Generik, do proclaim you Agent_Moldy and bugwer, Cappor and Cappette! You may now cap 'Lost in Space'."

Prior to "Stonewall," costumes and behavior such as this had to be kept in private!

"Mamushka! Mamushka!! Let's dance the dance, of brotherly -- *THUMP* OWW!" "OOPS, Sorry, Brother Ollie!!"

Check out the new wardrobe for this season's X Files. Fashion designer Yahvoal Jhuooknik has redresses Mulder & Scully and suspect in all new style and flair.

Janet Reno, John Steinbeck, and George Burns in The Three Stooges Story...

Prince Albert, Princess Margaret, and now young Wills, do their best to live up to family expectations.

I never did understand those Jewish weddings...

There was a side of the family that no one ever, ever talked about: The Fluffy Wallendas.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. First cigars, then martinis, now Ukrainian folk dancing. Is there ANY trend you can't sell to yuppies?

It's "Liberace Days" here at the Podunk Bowling Lanes & BBQ Pit!

'Just keep smiling Margaret! Those little bastards need never know that Carl forgot the Tootsie Rolls.'

People didn't really know how to express their sexual frustration in the thirties, so when it finally burst out, boy, did it burst out.

Therapy and drugs didn't work. Neither did shaking chicken bones. But Bob wasn't going to let seasonal holiday depression get him down THIS year.

Vodka and late night viewing of "Gone With The Wind" leads to violent dress making with any material available to 3 drunken fans.

"Magda, Viktor and Boris were dismayed that their Yuletide revue "Cossack Claus" was not well-received. Perhaps the "Slaughter of The Peasants" segment did not sit well with some of the more sensitive children...

That's right, folks, the last Czar of Russia and his family didn't actually die at the hands of the Bolsheviks... they took it on the lam and then they took it on the road! See the ruling class of mother Russia getting by as a one ring circus trapeze act! It's 'The Flying Romanovs,' coming this fall from your friends at You're Shittin' Me Productions!

Iraq's Republican Guards recruiting poster.

And you thought there were no legitimate uses for baby seal fur.

"We'll never get past Saddam in this getup, you knuckleheads!" *WHAP!* "Woo Woo! Nyuk Nyuk!"

*Ahem* ... Advanced computer simulations indicate that, had Princess Diana lived, the British Royal Family of the future would have been even less attractive than they are now. Or...

Finally, an explanation for the mysterious disappearance of all those Volkswagon seat covers.

Why you should never visit your parents without calling first.

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