"Will Cap For Food - REDUX (80)"

It was at that precise moment that Professor Xavier regretted appearing on the Phil Donahue show.

~Gray skies are gonna clear up,
put on a happy face~

Accountant from Hell:
[April 19, 2009]
OH MY GOD! Dick Cheney has risen from the dead.

"I'm-a karate chop you in the throat and give you a tracheotomy if you don't shut up, Chester."
"No way, old man. Your kung fu is weak, just like you are."
"Oooh!! Just for that, I'm-a bitch slap you until you're my age!"

Pull your finger?

.oO Oh crap, John Murtha's really gonna kick my ass this time Oo.

Even the Melkotian ambassador doesn't believe this guy! (Pardon my Trekkie moment)

Warren Buffet: "I didn't mean anything by it, Hank. I'm just sayin'- After posting record profits for '07 and the first time in 12 years your old company Goldman Sachs doesn't post a profit, they come begging you for a ten billion dollar handout and you lobby for it like Jack Abramoff on amphetamines. Then they pay only 1% in taxes. Strictly coincidental, I'm sure..."

"That was a very nice speech you made about saving the whales, Walter." "Thank you, Irving." "However, this is a convention for the NRA and its stand against strict gun control laws." "What you say, Billy? Speak up!" "Sigh... and to think I'LL get stuck with Alzheimers as well..." "WHAT?!?"

Simon Legree? Ebenezer Scrooge? Deer in headlights? You decide...

So tell us who is accountable for all those billions of dollars.
"Fuck you...that's not how the Bush Administration does things."

And thus, the War of the Grandpas began...

"Hi. I'm Peter Graves! Is this Biology, One Oh One ?"

Should I tell them we're all screwed and the world is quickly going to hell, or would you like to???

"Any closing statements for this debate Senator?"
"Yes Mr Moderator... Yo mama so fat she was measured at 38-26-36 and that was just the left arm..."
*crowd goes wild*
"Four more years bitches!!"

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