"Will Cap For Food - REDUX (64)"

Ronald proves once and for all that yes, you goddam well *do* want fries with that. If you know what's good for you, beeyatch.

With Hamburglar and Mayor McCheese burnt to a well-done crisp under the mysteriously too-hot warming lights, Ronald had only to collect the insurance money and live out the rest of his life in South America, spending it all on hookers and whiskey.

"...and a Molotov Cocktail to go."

Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, kerosene, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun.

Accountant From Hell:
Let's see if they forget to give me ketchup packets for my fries again. I'll show them. And there better be enough napkins or one of these days I'll burn the place down. I swear I will. -- Milton Waddams

You know that product-placement in movies has reached absurd heights when the new post-acopalytic sci-fi blockbuster stars Ronald McDonald.

Never trust Ronald with the French fryer.

"...'for I am become death, the destroyer of arteries'.... sheer karma, I guess."

This is how Burger King has it their way.

Ronald just sat back, ever cool in the face of adversity. The Burger King would pay...oh yes, he would pay.

Ooopsie!! I McFarted!

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