"Will Cap For Food - REDUX (131)"

In his younger days, Detective Ironside loved to rock out.

Lars was in the middle of rockin' the FUCK out when, to his horror, he saw King Kong Bundy approaching the stage.

[Security guy thinking]
.oO(The music sucks. The crowd is unusually rude and obnoxious. I am really thirsty. If I wasn't tanked up on crystal meth I would probably loose it right about now and start kicking these punks asses. What the fuck? A guy crowd surfing in a wheelchair? OK, calm down. Time for some water and get perspective on this situation.)

"This one goes out to all the wheelchair-bound crowd surfers out there... Yeah, I'm talkin' to YOU, Marty Evans! RAAWWWKK!! Mosh pit, baby! Roll it!!"

Lugnut! LUGNUT!!! Don't put me down yet... I saw a lugnut fall! NO! NOT DOWN! LUUUUGNUUUUT!!!!

Buckaroo Bonsai:
The band "Crippled Savior" had a bright idea for a new crowd pleaser...

You dumbasses spent $85 on tickets yet you find whatever's on the right more interesting?! And you have the nerve to think that guy in the chair is handicapped!

Alright now, if you'll just raise your hand if you'd like to make a request.

Super Foxy Acid Experience stages a comeback at the Missouri State Fair. But were miffed at being the opening act for The Adam Lambert Foxy Ass Experience.

It takes a Stout Rocker to get up in front of all of those people and not have one Groupie bare her boobs.

Even when the rock star sings, the stripping women in the front get all the attention.

You want to know why mosh pits have been banned at some rock concerts? Blame Raymond Burr.

Little known fact: Blanka had quite the career as the lead guitarist in a rock band before turning to street fighting.

I knew that mosh pit at the Special Olympics benefit concert would be a HUGE hit!

The classic and timeless battle between chair and hair.

Remember that time Stephen Hawking body-surfed to the state at Wacken Open Air and blinked along in time to "Love You Like a Hurricane"?
That was awesome.

They're surfing him over to the mosh pit for the disabled.

Not content with being paralyzed from the waist down after the last crowd surfing accident, Kenneth goes for it all.

Unofficial Company Profile: CSC - Computer Sciences Corporation. Providing security services to rockers who have lost their combs.

...and the runner-up in the mosh pit diving was helped to the stage.
"We still hate you Randy!!"

Say what you will, Shania Twain has let herself go.

Chief Ironside gets his crowd surfing mojo on! "Mark, Ed, ...HIGHER!!!"

Metallica, with special guest guitarist Thing 2, rocks out at the annual "My Legs Don't Work Week" concert.

At the Guitar Hero world tournament, Joe Swanson decidedly goes crowd surfing.

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