Racerex: After a while, the Serling family kind of got used to having a TV set that not only predicted the future, but also told you who would die tomorrow. |
Daleman: Daddy? Is it true that Uncle Milty has the biggest dick in the business? |
Lanzman: And so began the inevitable zombie apocalypse. |
Agent_Moldy: "Wow, Dick Clark looks really good for 107!" |
Generik: "I know, kids, let's see what's on Skinemax!" "Oh, Henry, again?" |
WEIRD_1: Ok Kids, now lets watch as the Government shows us the fake Moon Landing |
UpSky2: We have a pet God in our living room, and we gather to worship it, each day. |
Suggs: And to think, in ten years time, this will replace parenting! It's THE FUTURE! |
Amon: I still don't see what the big deal is with the whole "High Definition" movement. |
cambria36: Let's switch over to wrestling and watch the midgets sit on each other. It's a laugh a minute, I tell ya. |
scypha: "You see here, kids! THIS was the point where the second gunman could be seen on the grassy knoll!" "Oh, Harry... Will you stop feeding your JFK conspiracy theories to the children? And, shouldn't we FINALLY get that HDTV like the Smiths got TWO YEARS AGO?!?!?!?" |
Zoogicub: "Jane, quit drinking all the Heinz ketchup!" |
flavio: Gee, that's swell Pop! Billy Graham says we're all filthy with sin! Can we send him a check, huh, can we!!! |
Tumbler: The Son and his two sisters, without sodas, went on to invent the remote control... just to keep Dad from blocking the television set. While Mom, just thought it was rude to touch your knobs in front of the children. |
Steve_Reeves: From the looks of Mom I'd say we finally found a family that actually has 4.5 children. |
da_upstart: They're watching the T.O. Show |
InsideOutMan: "Yap, yap, yap. Just hurry up and land on the fricken moon already!" |
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