Lanzman: "Tell me again how you have dibs on the top bunk." |
Racerex: The "Friends Don't Let Friends Vote for Obama" initiative was a noble idea, but, in the end, too impractical to effect the election. |
Generik: Howard the Duct. |
Suggs: How many friggin' times to I have to tell you?!? They HATE the name Attercop. |
jurassicpork: Duck Tape, 1001 Uses. #427: Reenacting Vincent D'onofrio's infamous scene in THE CELL. |
keogh: "I don't care what kind of incredible advance it is for science, Bill. You stay in your own damn apartment, and if we catch you trying to phase through the ceiling again, it won't just be duct tape waiting for ya." |
cambria36: I gotta pee. |
WEIRD_1: Are you sure that Spiderman started this way?? |
Zoogicub: Kidney surgery: you're doing it wrong. |
The Abominable Dr. Phibes: Exactly *how* big did you say that iguana wuold get? |
UpSky2: Illustrating that you may be taped by the U. S. Government, according to practices originally established by George Q. Bush. |
Seltaeb: In these tough economic times, businesses call for more cost-effective surveillance systems. |
InsideOutMan: "Guys. For the last time. It's pronounced -- Gunter. Weir. And THIS SHIT AIN'T FUNNY NO MORE!!" |
scypha: I think I saw this on G4 once. It was that British science show called "Braniac." They were testing to see which tape would keep a man upside down the longest. I think that this guy will be falling to the floor within three minutes... tops! |
Steve_Reeves: Somewhere in Canada, a guy in a plaid shirt, khaki pants, red suspenders, and driving a van with a possum painted on the side has a tear of joy in his eye. |
da_upstart: Ah yes, the practical jokes we played on our drunk college buddies... |
Amon: "Now that I think about it, he might have meant 'smart' when he said he was bright." |
Agent_Moldy: "Wow, I can see my floor from up here!" Meanwhile, Dad, completely out of sewing supplies, wonders what he's going to use to patch his ripped shorts. .oO{If only I could find some sort of adhesive device. But what...?} |
Chebby: "Hey, Red Green was right!" |
Daleman: You might be a redneck if... this is the fire suppression system you installed. |
Tumbler: Todd claims he sleeps this way, just so he can avoid the devil's penis of his new room mate Jeremy. Expensive as hell, but so far so good. |
AAAron333: "You think we'll lose our security deposit over this?" WHO CARES??? He's duct-taped to the ceiling!!! |
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