Artanas: "I'm not a squid. Thank you." |
Goldfinger: "Have I ever told you about my childhood summers spent at Camp Hootchiemama?" |
IllegalityGirl: "What a great scar this'll make for the chicks..." |
Bite_The_Basket: "Arch those puppies all you want, Spock, but the ladeeez still love the Shat." |
GersonK: "Mein Shatner! I can act!" |
Shattered: Did you guys make a movie where you were looking for me? Jeez - you go take a dump, and suddenly everyone's searching for you. |
GersonK: "Dammit, why won't Jeff Berman return my phone calls? I'm telling ya' Sulu, Master of Navigation could save UPN! |
MadSigntist: "The crew refuses to fully extinguish all smoking materials, captain. AND, they will *not* return their trays to their full upright position." "Bastards..." |
Vorvon: In a controversial scene, Chekov is revealed as Darth Maul. |
Zonk: "We're here for comic relief... do you have an old Macintosh we can pretend to talk to?" |
Gen_Scareik: "Okay, who wants to come up and press the colostomy button? Spock? Bones? ...Scotty? ...Come on, SOMEONE has to do it!" |
doublestuf: NO!! Iwanted to hear 'Last Train to Clarksville,' not'Pleasant Valley Sunday'!!Damn modern jukeboxes... |
animebabe: "I bet your thinking... did I make 5 labels? or 6? Well... which is it? Do you feel lucky, Punk?" |
TGoodchild: "Yeah, yeah, I'm not a something something, I'm a doctor, blah blah. Can I go? Happy hour's almost over." |
UnReality: "Is that the Prime Directive in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" |
overtim: "Now, I'm gonna spin ya around till you're good and dizzy, and then let you loose in the Engineering Bay with a cattle prod. Sound like fun?" |
Irsih316: Okay, this is my first day on the job so here goes nothing. He's dead Bob! ...No, Jim! Crap! |
Dairai: Toupees at Ten Paces. |
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