BeckettClaus: .oO( Some varmit done plugged up my Peepin' Hole! )Oo. |
BeckettClaus: .oO( Uh oh ....I guess that pizza WAS spoiled )Oo. |
KipKringle: Unknowingly, The Beaver drinks Purple Haze Adulterated water from a cooler... |
BeckettClaus: New! And just in time for Christmas... the Ed Gein Collection! |
BeckettClaus: "And THAT, son, is why they don't let men be Playboy Bunnies." |
BeckettClaus: When Gypsies strip your car. |
BeckettClaus: "It's a miracle he survived!" |
BeckettClaus: "And the winner is... Whale Belly Button Lint Remover!" |
gleeb: Remember, swab out the cannon's mouth before reloading. Or do you enjoy being on fire? |
TooShyGuy: I guess I got a little carried away blowing up that beach ball. |
TooShyGuy: LOOK OUT! King Kong is bowling again!!!! |
Tommys Dad: Well, that answers that question. Now all we have to figure out whether the Pope's Catholic. |
Tommys Dad: Oh, this is the one where the steel plate comes up out of the road and the Coyote smashes into it. |
Tommys Dad: As in Mystery Theater 3000. |
meQal: Millions take to the streets outside FOX Broadcasting Studios in hopes to win the "Punch Ryan Seacrest in the Mouth Contest" |
Tommys Dad: At the paper/stone/scissors olympics. |
Tommys Dad: What's that about the president's nipples? |
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