guido: Or if he just runs in Florida someone will screw up on the ballots and he will win. |
guido: Gregory thought lighting his farts at dinner parties was a great way to break the ice. |
DrClayForrester: Try Sulfaquinoxaline. Some side effects, such us uncontrollable bladder, hair loss, enlarged genetalia, and a wicked urge to enter politics may occur in 95% of patients. |
MrAtomik: Gesundheit |
MrAtomik: Easy for YOU to say |
CaptionFreak: It's the newest Japanese collector craze, the Gutzo no Fluffy Animawls. |
DrClayForrester: *KOFF! KOFF!* Woah! I don't remember eating THAT... |
Messiahblue: Chickens protest the war |
CaptionFreak: "You think THAT'S bad, try holding your bladder for three hours without goin'!" |
DrClayForrester: "Helen? You ever wonder what it's all about?" "Be quiet and eat your sileage, Marge..." |
MrAtomik: Its the Cartoon Death Star! Toon Vader must be nearby |
BlueOnBlack: The latest incarnation of the TIA's logo leaves much to be desired... |
CaptionFreak: I'm starting with the man in the mirror. |
DrClayForrester: These "Pound Puppies" just get weirder and weirder... |
Messiahblue: directional aids for microbes with ADD |
MrAtomik: You are here, no wait, here, no, over here |
DrClayForrester: All right... Who sneezed on my telescope? |
DrClayForrester: You are here, here, here and here... |
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