kiL0waTT: "We're going door-to-door selling burlap, cheese graters, and flaky white residue ... AND we're Saturn owners! |
Tumbler: "Honestly Larry .. your ass only looks THIS WIDE ... reminds me of a Russian figureskater ... lemme squeeze it Comrade." |
Tumbler: <snap snap snap> "Vote ... Bob." |
TravisBickle: Wendy. Virgo. Enjoys cats, quilting, cream corn wrestling, large metal hooks. Seeks well-hung arsonist into same. |
Da_Mark: It's the Chelsea Clinton Christmas Special! |
Acrylic: "Oh, yes -- your lips -- so soft -- Wait--Grandpa? Is that you?" |
Scouty: Inspired by the SciFi Channel, the Anybody Can Do This Shit Channel was born. |
animebabe: "HeLLo? I WouLd LIke A JoB? SKilLs? TyPInG" |
NaCl_Peter: This day sucks... let's see what's happening on Thursday... |
Timediver: Want ad from someone, who just doesn't give a damn who answers. |
KelticWarlord: "Gee Wally, shouldn't you use a water-based lubricant?" |
Laserblast: Meals at the Foreman home are nonstop confusion... "I wish my brother George was here. No, the other one. Nope, that's not him either." |
Tumbler: "STOP... that man is NOT her husband!" "WHAT!?" "Open the box... we'll hold him up to the light... then you'll see... no watermark." |
lockheed: "Duh...Brain no work when pretty lady take off clothes...durrr" |
Angel_Noir: "So what you're saying, is that not everyone will recieve a profit from selling their Civil War Chess Set?" "Yes." "DEAR GOD IN HEAVEN, KILL ME NOW!!" |
Tumbler: "Now don't you be slappin' thet cat on there whole." "Dammit, George... I dun already passed it thru the 'George-a-sizer' like you sed." " Jes... checkin'." |
Angel_Noir: "Man, French minature golf technology, is years ahead of our own!" |
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