keelboard: "Whoo! I am ripped. What is this stuff anyway?" "Brake fluid." |
keelboard: What do you mean we're lost? Well, I turned off the main road onto this shortcut (ominous music playing)... |
keelboard: Great, now we're out of gas (more ominous music). |
nashtbrutusandshort: "Oh my God. A Hawaiian shirt factory outlet! Pull over! Pull over!" |
Mr_Grant: --I?m personally reporting you cappers to Pat Buchanan. --Um, he?s Reform now. --Huh? OK then? Gary Bauer! *capper screams of agony* |
NurseNoir: Oh, well... one woman's diaphragm is another's wading pool... |
nashtbrutusandshort: Newt Gingrich's third wife mysteriously disappears during a chartered flight from Atlanta to D.C. |
NurseNoir: "As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly. Look, there's one now... " |
LuvBJones: *Fighting temptation to do a donut cap* |
Fisk: Uh Oh! Alex Trebek escaped from his cage again! |
Mr_Grant: You can count on it?or my name isn?t Lee Horsl- er, Tom Bereng-, um, Tom Skerri- AW CRAP, who am I again? |
Generik: "Young man! Are you touching my vulva?" "Excuse me?" "My car! Are you touching my car?" "Oh. You mean 'Volvo.'" "Whatever." |
LuvBJones: "So I made a riff about a Volvo, and this lady just started hitting me!" |
Mr_Grant: (1... 2... 3...) Oh, it's burst into flames! This is terrible, ladies and gentlemen! Oh the piganity! |
Mr_Grant: He should be in soft focus all the time. DO YOU HEAR ME SCI FI? ALL THE TIME! |
Davon: 'What do you mean you don't know how to drive a hovercraft? Every action hero knows how to drive a friggin' HOVERCRAFT!' |
anti_hero: "For more Sci-fi insert quarter." |
juxstapo: Come a step closer and I'll kill the planet!! I WILL!! |
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