rickubis: Everyone just gave him a wide berth. No one had the heart to tell him that cigars don't grow in sandboxes. |
KindaEvil: "Well these chunks of whatever it is on your shirt is certainly not going to impress her. And lose the hat. It's hideous." |
rickubis: Mom! My friends are watching! I *hate* when you do that! |
rickubis: .oO {I finally get her to undress, and I find out she's got *really* small jugs. } |
rickubis: Instruction for paper of usage for toilet. Please to used after the deposit of material. Use briskly, but beware that paper is to remain intact... |
teambanzai: Now watch as the oranges surround the helpless child. |
rickubis: "Bob!" Duse, is that *you*?" How the f*$k should *I* know? I can't see shit in this thing." |
rickubis: Well, according to this manual, she breathes through an organ between her legs. I think you've choked her to death, Jim. |
rickubis: Guns don't kill people, people kill guns... no, that's not it. |
rickubis: .oO{ I'm *sure* I saw a rat just climb in there. } |
aaabbbccc: please let me out of the dungeon. I promise i will never caption again |
rickubis: And so these people startes calling me "Aleve" like it was my name. I'm just damned glad I didn't loan out any Vagisil, or Preparation H. |
rickubis: Sadly, they left the fireplace. Cremating Binky the Hamster was a huge emotional drain. Especially since Binky kept running out of the fire. |
rickubis: Listen. If I want any shit out of you, I'll squeeze your head. Like *this*! See!" Whoa, some turd. |
aaabbbccc: Turn the blue filter off, or my girlfriend will kick your ass. |
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