"rickubis Caption Gallery Page 3"

I askede mother how she could let a cantaloupe impregnate her. She just laughed and said "No one eats cantaloupe seed."

Yet another Florida driver that finds common instructions confusing.

It says here that most of the people who voted in Florida thought they were attending a Prince concert. No wonder they're so mad.

Run! The jig is up for us criminal types! It's Radioactive Waste Contaminated and Rotting Away Man and his sidekick Chemical Plant!!!! WE... COUGH! COUGH!

Well, another tire from hell that's killed one of those 3 hundered or so people. Pass me a cigarette, will you?

"Wow, Sue. You really HAVE managed to create a Golem out of sour dough." "Yeah, I call him my little dill dough."

No. On my planet, we discipline our young by removing vertebrae with a hammer. Then we crop their ears. Why do you keep asking me about children?

I used to kill and bury people who pissed me off. After a while, I just started stacking them up.

"Yes, it appears he wasn't wearing seat belts and was ejected through the windshield." "Through the WHAT!?"

Today on Sesame Street, a shotgun-wielding psycho blasted everything to hell.

I sure am glad they recalled all those deadly tires, who've killed less than 200. Now, let ME join the MAJORITY of thousands with emphysema, lung cancer...

Winghead 1 to Winghead 2. I'm calling you on theWingphone. Can you read me? Over." "Idiot. I'm standinf right behind you."

Everyone just gave him a wide berth. No one had the heart to tell him that cigars don't grow in sandboxes.

Lady, we're here to get your cat out of the tree.

Instruction for paper of usage for toilet. Please to used after the deposit of material. Use briskly, but beware that paper is to remain intact....

.oO {I finally get her to undress, and I find out she's got *really* small jugs. }

Help me! Help meeeeee!

Sadly, they left the fireplace. Cremating Binky the Hamster was a huge emotionaldrain. Especially since Binky kept running out of the fire.

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