rickubis: I askede mother how she could let a cantaloupe impregnate her. She just laughed and said "No one eats cantaloupe seed." |
rickubis: Yet another Florida driver that finds common instructions confusing. |
rickubis: It says here that most of the people who voted in Florida thought they were attending a Prince concert. No wonder they're so mad. |
rickubis: Run! The jig is up for us criminal types! It's Radioactive Waste Contaminated and Rotting Away Man and his sidekick Chemical Plant!!!! WE... COUGH! COUGH! |
rickubis: Well, another tire from hell that's killed one of those 3 hundered or so people. Pass me a cigarette, will you? |
rickubis: "Wow, Sue. You really HAVE managed to create a Golem out of sour dough." "Yeah, I call him my little dill dough." |
rickubis: No. On my planet, we discipline our young by removing vertebrae with a hammer. Then we crop their ears. Why do you keep asking me about children? |
rickubis: I used to kill and bury people who pissed me off. After a while, I just started stacking them up. |
rickubis: "Yes, it appears he wasn't wearing seat belts and was ejected through the windshield." "Through the WHAT!?" |
rickubis: Today on Sesame Street, a shotgun-wielding psycho blasted everything to hell. |
rickubis: I sure am glad they recalled all those deadly tires, who've killed less than 200. Now, let ME join the MAJORITY of thousands with emphysema, lung cancer... |
rickubis: Winghead 1 to Winghead 2. I'm calling you on theWingphone. Can you read me? Over." "Idiot. I'm standinf right behind you." |
rickubis: Everyone just gave him a wide berth. No one had the heart to tell him that cigars don't grow in sandboxes. |
rickubis: Lady, we're here to get your cat out of the tree. |
rickubis: Instruction for paper of usage for toilet. Please to used after the deposit of material. Use briskly, but beware that paper is to remain intact.... |
rickubis: .oO {I finally get her to undress, and I find out she's got *really* small jugs. } |
rickubis: Help me! Help meeeeee! |
rickubis: Sadly, they left the fireplace. Cremating Binky the Hamster was a huge emotionaldrain. Especially since Binky kept running out of the fire. |
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