rickubis: Help me! Help meeeeee! |
rickubis: .oO {Stay back and guard the cave, they said. Like, what? Is someone going to steal this cave?} |
muncle: "Think ugly I am? For yourself, speak!" |
Hyperwolf: Brital Spore takes one too many Al Gore jokes. |
rickubis: Oh, my God! Look at the rickubiscam! Is that his *face*? That poor man. |
muncle: "And this is the view I managed to get with my telephoto lens..." |
aaabbbccc: conveyor belts of the gods |
rickubis: .oO {I'm *sure* I saw a rat just climb in there.} |
aaabbbccc: look, it's rick at starbucks |
porpoise: (thank you God, ric's tackle is intact) |
sergy: RGrant unwinds by taking a drive in the country, after a major capathon. |
rickubis: Thousands line up for a chance to run over a live Smurf! News at 6. |
aaabbbccc: "Where's a cop when you need 'em" you ask..... sitting in their cars trying to F**K doughnuts |
sergy: Longest scene in film history! |
144b: Oh boy. Night Court is on. |
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