"MrGrant's Caption Dataset 2.2"
Feb. 9, 13, 15-17, 21, 23, 25-27 and Mar. 1, 2002

Can you believe it... I OWN the wizards... but still have to wear this stupid hat!

Yeah, I used to have a car like that too.

"Hi, I'm Cindy, and I'm a karaoke-holic." *all* "Hi, Cindy!" "And I'd like to do a little number that-" "NO!!!"

Oh, that was such a cute movie. Wanna go get some fro yo? I really shouldn't, I've used up my Weight Watcher's points for the day...but why not?

"Welcome to Starbucks, General. How can we help you?" "PR. We need to find out how the fuck you get away with charging $5 for a cup of coffee, when people bitch at our expenditures."

Last time I was at SeaTac, a Delta "flight representative" took my bag and carried it to the counter for me, and when the woman asks "Has this bag been out of your possession?" I said, "Well..."

No, you fool, we're entering the Apple Maggot Quarantine Zone! Eat them all now!

*Tommy LaSorda, you are charged with transporting fruit into the Apple Maggot Quarantine Zone. How do you plead?*

"Den dat Ed Vood, he keep calling me to be in moofie. I tell him my last name Karolyi, not Lugosi, but he not listen. So I haf comrades hang him from parallel bars for a vile. He leaf me alone den."

"I think they're beginning to suspect. We may have to suspend the experiment for a few months until we get one-way glass installed."

A candelit dinner for two. How romantic. Soft music, good food, a couple of scientists monitoring their behavior from across the room...

"So, you're an executive chef. That means you're in charge, right?" "No, I cook and serve executives. Today, for example, we have a nice tender CFO."

"You were in Girls Gone Wild? *I* was in Girls Gone Wild! This is such a weird coincidence!"

Titanic at age 12.

[Enquirer article:] Miraculous image of Nazca hummingbird appears on man's swimming pool!

"Rand the rominees rin the rategory "Man's Best Friend" rare... Cats <applause>... Hamsters... <applause>... and Dogs. <applause> Mray I rave the renvelope please...

"We've been investigating this whitewater for months and I just don't see what the fuss is all about." "Shut up and paddle, Senator!"

Brought to you by YogSoSoth, Destroyer of Worlds, and remember... when you think "Destroyer of Worlds", why not think "YogSoSoth, Destroyer of Worlds."

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