Kristen: Diaper Boy and Baby Powder Man go flying to their next scene of action! |
Moatas: "If I knew you got this bummed out when your team lost, I wouldn't have married a guy who roots for the Detroit teams." |
Mercutio_Cottontail: Quasimodo is chagrined to travel down all the flights of stairs, only to find that the Domino's pizza delivery guy is lost, actually looking for Notre Dame Place. |
Humoriste: The Four Food Groups - Champagne, Chocolate, Cool Ranch Doritos and Clausson Pickles. |
Moatas: 'In the beginning, there was nothing...Then God cued lighting...' |
beckett: "Okay, we've got the Jalopy mic'ed, now what?" |
UpSky2: Schlutsch Beerish, having decided to upgrade its logo and change its name.... |
MilkboxLarry: "Brewing the Finest Beers for over... What? Not beer? They make cars?" |
gleeb: Ah, Spring, when the Buick beer is ready for taping! |
da_upstart: "... And the U.S. are faithful and loyal buyers. <pufffff> It'ssuchalovelyrelationship... <koff><koff><koff>" |
Generik: Even in the '30s, lining up to make fun of the kids riding the short bus was a popular sport. |
tinaw: Doc Brown's car reaches 88 mph, and the saga begins again... |
da_upstart: "... As you can see, Oscar the Grouch sales have increased tremendously..." |
Matteus: it's funny hat day at the asylum! |
tinaws_Storm: Costco's predecessor in the 50's -- Daddy-O's. |
amycamus: Deluxe Whack-A-Mole! |
Mercutio_Jones: Hey, watch what happens when I stick a crazy-straw in the lung.... I can play it like a bagpipe! |
MilkboxLarry: "Hmm... We gots Jed, Hank, Clint, Dale, Frank, Joe-Bob and myself. Folks! The answer is seven! It takes seven rednecks to change a lightbulb!" |
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