SunSinner: Gettin' down wit yo bad ass self just isn't something that should be done solely for the hell of, to please the aesthetic more is required. |
JoeCrow: Lactating heavy water does have it's certain drawbacks |
SunSinner: One too many Moxies and you too will wake up feeling like you've been hogtied by a Maine fishwife. |
Artanas: "Will.... *RIIIIP* tearing off my labia help any? Hello? Dammit" |
Dairai: "Here at Defiance Carpets, we lay everything but eggs!" "*grunt* Uh, Dave...?" "Crap. Okay, eggs, too..." |
YibbleGuy: We now return to "The Big Green Thing That Ate James Coburn." |
Chupacabrartanas: The sexual fenzy is astonishing, you go boy. Weld like a beast! |
Angel_Noir: Although a heart and a brain were the most popular request, The Great and Powerful Oz kept a spare clitoris or two lying around just in case. |
The_Reynard_Must_Die: Steve, we said to put the *pantyhose* on your head, not the pantyhose *container*! The hose is a nice touch, though.. |
TravisBickle: His symbiotic jet pack scared the crap out of everyone, but he was never ever late. |
Meldrick: "Ships about to blow, the alien is hot on my ass, but hell, who knows when I'll get a chance to rave again?" |
MrTim: Kathleen Turner just couldn't resist John Lennon when he dressed up as Snuffleufagus. |
TravisBickle: Oprah. Uma.... Uma. Oprah.... Oprah. Gary Numan.... Gary Nu- THE HELL?!? |
mrbigbootang: A nipple for a nose can get you places in a male dominated world my mother told me. But noooo! It has to always be "titty twister time" for the school bully! |
Hippie: This shot's only half-wasted |
Artanas: Okay... who let the hogs out? |
GrrrsonK: Jack consoled himself with the fact that while it wasn't very big, it was very very shiny. And they said he couldn't polish one. |
Hippie: Everyone in high school has that experience of a hamster bursting out your chest Alien-style. But no one admits it because they think they're the only ones. |
GuloGulo: It's hard to act casual when you've got two pounds of fresh-from-the-butcher beef in your pocket. |
aaabbbccc: did they come to the Elvis Tex Depot to disect fetal pigs? |
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