MadSigntist: After 2 days, Ricky Martin realizes it was foolish to think that nailing his head to a tree would inspire another vapid hit. |
BuckFifty: "Keebler elf scat... *sniff* Three, maybe four hours old. We're on the right track." |
Torgone: I'd come over there, but that would necessitate disconnecting from my flatulence exhaust system. |
animebabe: "I'm sorry Timmy.. our prenuptual agreement clearly states that I get the half with the creme filling. Don't fuck with me boy..." |
UnReality: "Wow, you got lotsa computers. Whad'ya use 'em all for?" "Oh, y'know...mostly porn." |
Generik: Manos II: The Hands of Feet. |
Xigeous: "You know, Spock, we humans really envy your ability to be so logical." (carefully places KICK ME sign in place.) |
crovo: Lets all pitch-in and STOP the kitty porn. |
adsinfinitum: Why yes, I would like my phone booth double glazed... |
jondapicam: "well, do you have time for a quickie then?" |
NurseNoir: "When mommy's had a rough night in the dungeon with a client, I like to brighten up her morning with liquid sunshine!" "Where's my Tequila Sunrise, brat?!" |
nashtbrutusandshort: Leave it to David Lynch to direct the weirdest remake of *Harold and Maude* EVER..... |
rock_lobster: I...was on a starhip...for five years...wait, that was three...and there was this pointy-eared guy.... |
Ratgirl01: wanna look down my shirt? |
TGoodchild: "And now observe that I have accidentally jammed my hand in the dispose-all. This suggests an incongruity between intelligence and scholarship." |
YingYang: Dontelle would get in trouble just so he could masturbate to a picture of the principal's hot-ass daughter.... |
GersonK: Paul, Virgo, enjoys suspenders, booze, stolen Gideon bibles, and hispanic teens. |
cyoungdahl: Captain Opera, Superhero, defeating his enemies by shattering their ears with falsetto arias. |
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