"2005 Caption Gallery Page 3"

If Notre Dame Cathedral had been located in Seattle: "What, it isn't finished YET? It's been tying up traffic for a whole two years!"

Orville, we've got to do something else, we're depleting the world's resources of fancy Norwegian words.

Area 51 is cleverly disguised as a secret military installation.

"I, Larry Flynt, am proud to launch the destroyer escort USS Jeff Gannon. God bless her and all the men who sail in her. And I have the photos."

"No Ms Thomas, my new plan, Bocial Becurity Bribatization, has NOTHING to do with private accounts."

We now return to that beloved French children's classic, "Madelaine Disrupts Giscard d'Estaing."

First off I like to thank all of you for attending our meeting today, especially since we're not validating parking.

~Go ahead Susie, tell the dittoheads why they should opt out of Social Security. ~Because 401Ks are a good deal. ~No Susie, you don't understand- ~Oh give me a break.

Of course, the other side of the skateboard is just a skull.

That's right, we need to tighten up our boarders. No more Canadian beef, and let's see what we can do about them pesky geese while we're at it.

Cheap Canadian medicine is detained at the border because we "can't be sure it's safe." But tainted Canadian beef is welcome!

*<SKRIK> Attention passengers, we're now passing Lake Donner and the site of the Donner Party camp. Also, the dining car is now open.*

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