"2004 Caption Gallery Page 99"

~0"The Clock isn't right, its supposed to be 3 am not 2 am,, or wait a minute, do we set them back at 2 or 3 or do we set them back to 1..?"0~

I told you it was spring forward you idiot. Now you've gotten fired and here I'm stuck helping you pack all your crap.

Call this number and help this man find a job where time doesn't matter, he was fired for not springing to work...

Jerry's initial reaction when He ran over a watch salesman who had forgotten that his bus ran on standard time all year long , wrong place, wrong time...

Little did Ethel know that every day, every night the lampshade sat there watching. Plotting. Waiting for the right moment to strike.

<Phone Voice> "This is information, the time is... is... Just a minute...!"

"You know my love for you is timeless." "You forgot to move your clock forward and got fired didn't you?"

"Say, is that a new watch? Can I see it?" "I told you, if you can't remember whether to go forward or back, I'm NOT going to help you."

I promise you honey, one day I will figure out this time change thing.

"I think we got gypped... There isn't hardly any topping on this pizza...!"

Next time, Hercules, DON'T FORGET THE K-Y JELLY.

Smarm: 100%... and a close, smooth one say the judges...

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