This just in... Uncle Travling Matt want Gobo to kiss Mokie |
Indomitus: "Such peace. Such beauty. Let's strip-mine it." "Yessir, Mr Bush." |
LauraPowers: "The mustache is muy sexxy, yes? Look at it. Learn it. Love it." |
The_Gray_Zombie: Break 1-9, Break 1-9, Horshack, you got your ears on? Come back. |
porpoise: I think I found one of shanky's bowling balls. |
Crow T. Robot: Hey Linda, I just figured out why they call it a "sneeze-guard", by the way... it doesn't really work all that good. |
Indomitus: o/~ "Ooonly after the rain..." o/~ .oO |
porpoise: Dry humps. Who's next for a dry hump? |
Crow T. Robot: Hey look we're all in color! That means the war is over! |
LauraPowers: I didn't even know the world was pregnant! |
Indomitus: Lower your weapons... This one's *mine* |
Crow T. Robot: The Iron Chef is sketching his menu and FUKISAN! Yes, Ota? Look, it's going to be a eel and goat eye pate of some type! |
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