"2003 Caption Gallery Page 138"

'The holo deck was never the same after we installed XP....!'

"LOOK it's a UFO, cleverly disguised as a 747!"

"I knew I shouldn't have glued in that dental dam...!"

"Weeeeeee, playing on the combine's fun... AHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

The Service Engine soon light's on, the smell of burning oil is permeated on the car, and yet Susan continues to drive unaware...

Wafel Keeng:
Court Stenographer Barbie. Accused Serial Killer Ken doll not included

"I George W. Bush, being of sound mind and... Wait a minute, nobody's gonna believe this!!!"

Crow T. Robot:
Cue the Star Wars theme.... episode 3, not looking too good...

Pretty much guarantees that that beer's gonna go down easy, in a thoroughly ironic, sarcastic, and potentially health-threatening sense.

Crow T. Robot:
...then crushed on the forehead of a drunk redneck.

If it does not appear on a special Department of Homeland Security list and tests negative for traces of explosives or firearms, it is allowed to board.

Hey! They left the nubile young cheerleaders out of the picture!

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