porpoise: (why am I suddenly thinking about Easter eggs?) |
Tsunade: "You seek Yoda!" |
tree_hugger: your nipple doesn't seem to work, mine usually turns on my radio |
evetsggod: oh, i'm just searchin' for my mainline |
Amon: "I've been programmed in multiple techniques, Gordi. And one of them includes an empty photon torpedo. Shall we?" |
Amon: What is: Things that YingYang does in his bedroom? |
YingYang: Kinda like poppin' your girlfriends' cherry during fourth period all over again, isn't it? |
evetsggod: ...and thus, pandora unleashed evil upon the world |
GlitterRock: "You are in a small corridor, when you are confronted by two Orcs. What do you do?" |
Amon: "Picard to Number One. Will, see what you can do to keep that damned ET ad from popping up again, will you?" |
GlitterRock: Patrick Stewart *IS* Mr. Peanut! "Crack open my shell and enjoy my salty goodness." |
YingYang: "Good news! You got that Hello Kitty vibrator on eBay!" |
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