21stcenturycajunmoose: Omigod! It's raining Good n Plenties!!! |
stareater: In Joe Don Baker's dreams, it rains hot dogs. |
UnReality: "No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to diet." <pause> "I'm sorry, that was a terrible joke. Feel free to shoot me." |
stareater: "Ahhhhhhh!! You're here to steal my pudding and stick things up my ass! Get out!!!" |
stareater: Where's Josh Weinstein when you need a bad ad lib? |
Nyssa23: "You may already be a winner? the hell?" |
UnReality: "What's this 'you MAY already be a winner' crap?" |
Nyssa23: How *you* doin'? |
Nyssa23: Swivel & Twitch. They're cops. |
JAUSTDIVORCED!!!: ...going into town... paying my monthly whore bill... wooo boy... i over did it this month! |
Nyssa23: Albatross! Aaaaaalbatross! |
Nyssa23: In Xanadu did Kubla Khan a stately pleasure dome decree... and he had it fitted with a snappy Sunsetter portable awning! |
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