ciscobells3600: The majestic peak of Mt. Areola |
grimsac the white: "Ow! Let go! My foot is trapped under the wheel, it's not funny!" |
ciscobells3600: and the mighty power of GreySkull! |
grimsac the white: It was romantic until they lost sight of land, then they had to deside who should be eaten first |
grimsac the white: College life in the 50's was not unlike a free-for-all public orgy except for the starched pants and greasy hair-cuts |
grimsac the white: U.S. Propaganda artists scribble like crazy to make Saddam look like a Dork |
Ramshackle_Man: "Toilet paper, consumption, trees, single sheets or boxing glove? All this and more addressed in this Coronet Film, the crapaganda machine;s ally!" |
Ramshackle_Man: "Suzy, where did you get that hole in your shoulder?" "105 Howitzer. How did you buy it?" "Fell off a cruise ship while barfing over the side." "Pearly Gates Powder Room, perfume? Tampon?" "Tough Job." |
LauraPrancer: *Enter Harpo holding the communist Manifesto.* |
GersonK: Grouchy, Chimpo, Harpy, and Gumbo |
GersonK: "You gorgot Zippo!" |
shankybells: "RIGHT ON!" |
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