UnReality: Maybe it's just me but...well, does Buffoon's ex-wife's heart really merit its own series? |
UnReality: Those Motel 6 bastards lied! Tom Boddett, you're a dead man! |
DarkOracle: Ohhhh Let's play a Capper Drinking Game! Let see, You should take a Shot everytime the grab is... oh... I dunno, BLACK! |
UnReality: "It is now 5 minutes past the hour. You may caption this image until 11 past the hour. And you will. You will." |
Generik: Motel 6. We'll leave the Lysol for ya. |
JohnSteed: OK, I'm getting an entire caseload of A&W for this drinking game. I know, I'm a wussy underage... |
Penemue: Throughout the Ship, you will note a total absence of Bodies. Some "Experts" Suggest that it was undersea Scavengers like our Crab Pinchy..." |
Penemue: "But we at Mysteries of the Deep have other Theories. After careful Research, we believe the Bodies were Taken by the Deep Ones. |
DarkOracle: Well Gen, Through the Metamorphic Processes of Heat and Pressure the Sedimentary Rocks become Slate, then Shale, then Schist ,then Gniess... |
Generik: "Whoa, dude, this is some GNEISS schist!" |
UnReality: Difference between slate and shale? $2.50. |
Penemue: "Deep Ones are not to be confused with the simple minded Localanths as noted here. Deep Ones also worship Dagon of the Deep, whilst the Localanths worship Salt |
DarkOracle: Well.... Schist Happens! |
Generik: This message brought to you by the Society for the Prevention of Recto-Cranial Inversion. |
Penemue: Deep Ones like to collect drowned victims to use their bones as ornaments surrounding their undersea lairs, similar to an Octupus gathering shinys for her nest. |
KINGDINOSAUR: Do not attempt to adjust your television set. WE control the vertical. WE control the horizontal. WE control your medication level. |
Generik: Sure, it's all fun and games when you use the cattle prod and jumper cables, but when you combine them with a coelecanth, well... |
UnReality: THIS message by the Society for the ENJOYMENT of Recto-Cranial Inversion. |
Penemue: <I was bitten by Jacque Cousteau Once.> |
DarkOracle: Ok, cappers, grab a light, It's Flashlight Tag time, first one to find Buff's ex first wins! |
Penemue: After the initial jolt of Electricity, the Coalcanth slips into the safety of the deep, to recover, to warn it's mate, to gather friends, and to Retaliate. |
Generik: I dreamed I was bitten by Jacques Cousteau once, but it turned out to be a renegade coelecanth. |
UnReality: Jacques Cousteau once bit my sister. Or maybe it was a moose. It was very dark. |
Penemue: You see, Coelecanth's like this one, who we will call Sparky, enjoy a special "Friendship" with Deep Ones like this one. Who we will call Margaret. |
Maxdriver13: You see what happens when Sci Fi doesnt pay to get their own channel? |
Penemue: Coelecanth's point out troublesome species to the Deep Ones, similar to a hunting dog pointing out a duck to his master. The Deep one then swims out... |
KINGDINOSAUR: We now return to the audience participation version of Edgar Allen Poe's "Premature Burial." |
yutka: are you the keymaster? |
JohnSteed: Wow, someone got their Gremlin to go the speed of light! I couldn't even get mine to start! |
Generik: Okay, so Jean-Paul Sartre walks into a bar with a coelecanth under his arm, and the bartender says "What'll it be? Nothingness?" |
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