deadparrot: Meanwhile, somewhere in Egypt, Zahi Hawass is stomping all over yet more archaeological treasures looking for shiny things. |
Indomitus: Or, if you're dyslexic... "SMUT" |
MSTieLyn: "Don't look, Ethel!" |
Rogziel: Sadly, he forgot to write "Soy Bomb" across his chest. |
UpSky2: "Mister Sheridan: I can't rightly saw fer sure if I like being revivifi-ed and brung to this here century. Dying in 1910 was no joke..." [this is for Mark Twain] |
mistie406: I hear they're currently filming the next in Frank Herbert's series, "Dune, Where's My Car?" |
mistie406: and now, the Indie movie hit "Being Stevie Wonder" |
Matteus: Zippedy doo da this you little brat! |
Indomitus: Looks like Despair Days at Six Flags Over Hell was a resounding success. |
Racerex: Of course, elfs grow bigger in the fresh mountain air... |
cyoungdahl: When better pimpmobiles are made, GM will make them! |
Matteus: there IS a staircase inside |
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