KindaEvil: "It was Shayke N Bayke! An' ah haylped." |
KindaEvil: "Yellow Hos of Texas! What sexual fantasy can we do ya for?" |
KindaEvil: "Did I come at a bad time?" "No, but I just did." |
ReveredOne: Blessed with telekinetic powers, Sarah was able to jumpstart cars w/her mind. Tragically, one night she reversed the cables, forever freezing her expression. |
dukesncl: "Hey you kids! Don't put your lips on that!" |
KindaEvil: Wolverine and Rogue try to get it on. |
KindaEvil: The Big Tittie. See the Twin Nipples? |
KindaEvil: See now, *this* is the angle Traci Lords is used to being filmed from. |
Matrix29: Biker: "What? Did I hear a vague shapeless mass that looks like snot move? Oh wait, that was just George W. Bush being sworn in for fraud president." |
KindaEvil: "Yeah, well hon, uh, the wolverine and I were playing, and we got a little rowdy. Nothin' major. Where's your sewing kit?" |
KindaEvil: The Evil SciFi Webmaster cackles sadistically as he sets Caption This! on extra slow. |
Beedo: "Dammit, I swear, one bulb goes, then they ALL start popping." |
Mr_Grant: "Space: Lit From the Left" |
YingYang: Make room for Dubya. |
KindaEvil: I'm tired. I'm gonna throw in the towel and kick the bucket. |
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