cambria36: Guess who's dad owns a pharmacy. |
jack_routers: "You call ZIS a drinkink straw...I zink NUT!" Gene Hackman IS Adolf Hitler IN "The Flexi-Bend Story". |
beckett: "Hmmmmmm, macaroni?" |
beckett: "..and I say Tesla would kick the SHIT out of Edison!" |
amycamus: "You forgot to freeze Ted Williams' WHAT?!?" |
jack_routers: "Well, keep working on it, Wilkins!! We'll suck that cute blonde babe outta the bottle if it's the last thing we do!" |
144b: Really? Larry Fine was your father? Can I poke you in the eyes? |
gleeb: Ha! I'm twice the chemist you'll ever be, you bald runt! |
beckett: "...a larger penis?....Guaranteed?" |
amycamus: Oh you and your filthy euphemisms! Just make me a woman, big boy! |
beckett: "Hey, that's my wife's pet name!" |
Mercutio_Jones: So, how's your life of quiet desperation going today, Phil? Pretty fucking wretched, but let's not talk about it, eh? |
da_upstart: Probably from my ex-girlfriend. |
GersonK: "Frankly, I don't care how many goldfish you can swallow. This is a brokerage. What we'd like to know is how long you can hold your breath." |
Quatermains_mistress: .oO I just don't get the ajar thing. . .Oo. |
Mr_Grant: Mitzi carefully calculates-- in cubits-- the placement of the blood on the doorframe for Passover. Mitzi is extremely Orthodox. |
Agent_Moldy: Bad Back Theater presents: "I Accuse My Parents" |
Hinermad: "It says here the Canadian court has ruled that same-sex marriages are legal." "Hmmm." "Road trip?" "Shotgun!" |
TrezKu: We found this at the scene of the crime with a note attached saying, "Not by the hair of our chinny chinny chin." |
TrezKu: "Now Frank, in your resume you listed 'liking mittens' as one of your skills..." |
da_upstart: "... And hey, ladies, not a word to my wife about what just happened , ok?" |
144b: Fine reading, Kathy. Now, do you understand it, now? Uh, sure Mr. Pinttern. But, the Kama Sutra is a real textbook? |
144b: gleeb: In lieu of payment, Dr. Jenkins sometimes has his patients read passages from "Fanny Hill" to him in a low, soft voice. |
144b: STAY back Mindy! Those peppers are hot! |
Hinermad: Listerine kills germs that give roaches bad breath. (#42 in the series "1000 Failed Advertising Campaigns." Collect them all!) |
UnReality: They're releasing Timmy back into the wild. |
gleeb: Let's see, I was away for 5 years, and little Timmy is 4 next week....HEY! |
Hinermad: "What do you think Dennis?" "There's no neighbors! Where's Mr. Wilson?" "He's the one that took our house when he sued us. You'll like it here." "No, I won't!" "There are no gun laws here." "COOL!" |
TyranosaurisRex: Man, that Mr. Peanut gets weirder by the minute. |
jack_routers: It was a mistake to let the Lilliputians in to visit King Friday XIII's castle...took forever to trolley the lot out of there... |
jack_routers: In contrast to many boys with their first National Geographic, I was mostly disappointed. |
Zoogicub: What every boy in the 1940's read National Geographic for. |
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