WEIRD_1: I'm not gay, Bob.. Just because I like to sleep with men that don't make me gay |
Snard: The pot was unable to call the kettle black, because it was in fact brass colored. |
Matteus: the truth behind solar eclipses |
144b: Check it out, he's playing a Therimin! |
Matteus: drink {brown derby pilsner} in peace, my children |
144b: And each of you will be issued this ID badge. And it will be this size. Wear at all times, even at bedtime. |
UnReality: "Uh oh. It's a Brazilian soccer team--and they look hungry!" |
gleeb: The architecture world was rocked today as Frank Gehry was caught with pictures of an underaged building.... |
UnReality: "What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculties.... In action, how like an angel. In apprehension, how like a God. Bud here, though, is a bit of dickweed." |
GersonK: Ed's entire act consisted of finding haikus in the Zagat's guide |
gleeb: We all knew he wouldn't survive the poetry slam. His material consisted of reading from a 1983 Zagat guide to Dallas/Fort Worth. |
GersonK: Ed's entire act consisted of finding haikus in the Zagat's guide |
rickubis: This is side one of a two-sided tape. The other side is "RCA Victoria". |
144b: And we'll be able to have telemarketers jam your phone 24hours a day with our new technology. |
amycamus: .oO(Damn! I coulda swore I hid that copy of Juggs in between 'Moby Dick' and 'Billy Budd'!...)Oo. |
psychomorph: David Koresh *IS* Paul Revere in "Hey Hey It's Paul Revere and the Monkees!" |
Racerex: Few night students ever made it out of the Miskatonic University library alive...... |
Racerex: "Revolution .... Schmevolution .... I never drank tea, anyway." |
UnReality: "Whoa! The code was one if by land and TWO if by sea? Oh crap." |
Racerex: "Wow, this would be neat to drink laudanum out of!!" |
UnReality: "Previously on George Washington, Mad Scientist..." |
UpSky2: " 'A Comparative Study of the Quantitative Differences Between the Career Discoveries of Joseph Henry and William Harvey' - I sure hope it's good enough a title to disguise my stupidity!" |
144b: It's not quite ham or beef. It's really nice on a cracker, though. |
YibbleGuy: "And, at halftime, the score is ...." |
TheDiva: Never are enough hours in the day, are there? |
gleeb: Never make an appointment with Wonka for a quarter to. |
GlitterRock: *tick... ... tick... ... tick... ... tick... * |
RodRocket: "Ve haff vays uff making you TOCK!!!" |
Moatas: The rest of the time we're lying to you |
GersonK: Worst Escher. Ehver. |
evetsggod: the coast guard did a sequel to this. it's called "re-introduction to haiti" |
FryGirl: Reminds me of the time I called in sick and went to the Giants game and wound up on the Jumbotron for 30 seconds. |
FryGirl: Shit! There I am again!!!!! |
gleeb: Now, FryGirl makes sure she's disguised as Nobel-prize-winning biologist Barbara McClintock before going to the game... |
MrfnordTim: o/` On the woad again. Just can't wait to get on the woad again! o/` |
Coakley: "You're in luck, Charlie. We've arrived just in time for rehersals of our 'Logan's Run' production." |
GlitterRock: I don't remember this scene from THX-1138. |
AlanPartridge: Not now kid, I'm washing Richard Pryor's Pants. |
gleeb: Cheer up, Charlie... Oh, wait, wrong scene. |
gleeb: of "Shacking-Up for Post-Moderns" |
GersonK: Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole. This guy, on the other hand... |
gleeb: Hand, I got the worst concession at the ball park! |
Generik: Discontinue use if any of the following occur: sweating, itching, oozing, pustulating, stopping in the name of love or shooting a man in Reno just to watch him die. |
144b: And me? I'm just the icing on the urinal cake. |
da_upstart: The Vikings of Penzance?? |
UnReality: "Tonight, on Poorly Researched Historical Theater, Ken Kesey and his Merry Pranksters send Rosa Parks to the back of the bus to get stoned." |
144b: It's the Haymarket Square riots all over again. This time, it's the Cubs playing the strikers. (It's the only hits thet can get/) |
UnReality: Oddly enough, each of them is Elvis-themed. |
gleeb: The Church of Cthulu, the Reformed Church of Cthulu, First Four Square Cthuluist Assembly, and Temple Beth Shub-Niggurath. |
TheDiva: "Prepare the standard 'rich and famous' contract for Kermit the Frog and Company." |
tinaw: "A lab mouse bent on world domination? Sign me up!" |
gleeb: Send up more girls; I'm still hungry. |
GlitterRock: "What? Bond would NEVER tap my phone with one of his big red listening devices! Ha!" |
JohnSteed: "Mr. Heston, as much as I'd like to do this 'Touch of Evil' thing, I'd rather have a 'Touch of Pork Ribs' right now, if you know what I mean..." |
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