EntertheJabberwock: Count Fagula |
EntertheJabberwock: Twenty bucks says her pussy smells like mustard. |
jupitran: boo. |
EntertheJabberwock: "Hahaha! It says "Semen Depository" under your mouth in permanent marker! Gee, who could've written that there in your sleep?" |
jupitran: This window is as frosty and obscure as your heart. *sobs* |
EntertheJabberwock: Six o'clock... time to feed the midget. |
jupitran: face, meet floor. floor, face. Nice to make your acquaintance. Oh, no, the pleasure is all mine. |
EntertheJabberwock: "Durrrr... a pizza party!" ...On the next "Billy the Mongoloid", Fridays at 8/7 central. |
jupitran: Shannon Doherty was replaced by a chair, who, as it happened, provided a much more versatile performance of character. |
EntertheJabberwock: "Check this out... if I tug hard enough on my ear, my heart just explodes through the front of my chest. Cool, huh, guys?" |
jupitran: "Who let the crazy stalker extra in here, and why is he wearing spinach?" |
AbortionIsMurder: "Sit, Mongo, sit!!! Not do Hokey-Pokey anymore!" |
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