gleeb: "Well, Spock?" "I suggest you go around. Having Mr. Scott burrow is to little avail." |
teambanzai: Alright I'll tell you everything just stop kissing me. |
gleeb: Captain Kirk, you're trying to seduce me! |
144b: Guess I better get the ceiling repainted before we gt back to Earth. Man, that IS nasty up there. |
Coakley: Kirk rambles a bit about his backstory. It provides a lot of details for fanfic writers and novelists. And puts us to sleep. |
TheDiva: Every day I hear my mom's voice: "Billy! You lazy good-for-nothing, you'll end up bald, pudgy and talentless just like your father..." |
gleeb: What's this? "Please excuse Spock from duty today. Signed, Spock's mother." |
JohnSteed: Ying sent him a rather.... sensual forward... |
teambanzai: I'M STANDING TOO CLOSE TO THE WHAT??!!?? |
Coakley: Darn it, this doesn't tell me how to get my Hotmail account through Outlook! |
JohnSteed: *Muttering out of the side of his mouth* "Chekov, it is not a good idea to play Wing Commander with the Klingons watching..." |
beckett: "...and here we can obviously see that Oswald has been removed from the picture." |
ROBOTCROWT: Let me get the question straight. I have only one bullet left, and straight ahead of me are a telemarketer, Bin Laden, and Geraldo. Hmm... |
DrSeruzawa: I've got the answer Bob! I'll shoot Geraldo and then I'll give binLaden's phone number to the telemarketer! |
soulsinger: "it's like twizzlers, with TV inside!" |
DiscoBoy: A high-speed broad band? That's like Kittie or L7, right? |
Agent_Moldy: Eww, I usually just use a little Clearasil... |
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