GersonK: "my client pleads the 21st, your honor." |
neolexxx: it's crossing owver aind ah hailped. |
Nyssferatu: Life is too short for softcore porn. |
DiscoDracula: Jean-Luc thought he had all the details covered for his grand soiree -- candles, light music, vegetable dip. But he was aghast to realize he forgot one thing -- chairs for the guests! Horrors! |
Nyssferatu: "Oh, Jean-Luc, I can't believe you forgot chairs! I'm so ashamed!" *sob* |
Nyssferatu: o/` "And it was all yellow!" o/` |
Soozcat: oO(Man, I miss the communal Borgsex orgies...) |
IMiss: .oO(I've always wondered what a nun's titties looked like... eeeek! They're *pierced*... I'll be damned... hey, what's this?!? A note?! "Knock before entering..." The hell?) |
DiscoBoy: Retro Hollywood meets '80s trendiness in the new sitcom "Mitch Headroom" -- only on UPN! |
rickubis: And don't come back until you've killed them all. Especially Gilligan. |
DiscoBoy: "Sure, it looks nice and innocent, but look how easily it conceals the switchblade. Only $25.95 if you call QVC right now!" |
IMiss: "Get rid of Mr. Tinky?!? I thought therapy was supposed to *help*!!" |
DiscoBoy: What really goes at those closed-door meeting of the Senate Ways and Means Committee. |
DiscoBoy: "Mmmm! Fresh leg of ham!" |
UnReality: "Who are you calling a--MAESTRO!--ham?!" |
DiscoBoy: This is the scariest Tool video yet! |
UnReality: "Brad! Your wee-wee!" |
AtomikDeLosMuertos: AND he's a Hebrew National Frankenfurter, he answers to a Higher Source |
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