BurkeDevlin: "Wilkins, you're fired." "But I've been in your family since 1882." "So has syphilis, now get out." |
YingYang: "Dammit, Josh, we can't both be in the camera!!!" "Fuck you ,Heather!" |
YukiPenguin: This week on the Adventures of Typical Male: "So you got me seeds..." "Yeah, so you can grow your OWN flowers! I'm so thoughtful. And practical, too!" |
YingYang: "Riddle me this!" |
DiscoBoy: Advice for the small man -- "In a big cunt, try!" |
RexKramer: Big Country moustache my ass! You don't fool me with that disguise! You're really Haircut 100! |
YingYang: "Holy shit! I'm on top of Marlon Brando's ass!" |
EnochF: "Oh. No wonder there wasn't any turbulence..." |
FryGirl: "And I have another pair at home EXACTLY like these! Imagine that!!!" |
144b: Clairaton: City oon the move. In industery & commerce. We have rid ourselves of the need of a god or morales. |
Generik: The Bill Gates Pool, conveniently located off I-5, near Redmond... |
DiscoBoy: Originally, the character was called Larry Croft. But then the game designers has a flash of inspiration -- big titties! |
Torgone: Shrimp pudding, shrimp ice cream, shrimp jello, shrimp gummi bears, . . . |
mistie406: Gawk like an Egyptian |
Generik: Bringing you the best in Nymphomercials. |
tedj: See? You twist these knobs and the things go up and down on the TV screen while the square block bounces from side to side. I'll call it PONG! |
DiscoBoy: "Must you be so cheap? We can just go to the store and buy some new gum, you know..." |
Generik: Captioning by committee almost never works... "Say it isn't interesting even WITH graphics!" "No... make a poop joke!" |
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