DiscoBoy: Dick York plays a tense game of Go Fish with Jeffrey Dahmer. Winner gets to cook lunch. |
Hinermad: Day 87. Cannolongerlift handawayfrompaper... jewelrytooheavy... tospacewords... |
NumanEllium: "I got slow-server-syndrome, doc. Can ya give me some more o' that morphine?" / "No, but as a substitute you can watch the Mighty Morphine Power Rangers." |
Saltydog: "...and the lantern will be lighted. CAUTION: use only in a well ventikated--vemmilabed--vemstik --ah, heck, I'm gonna turn in." |
Hinermad: Please excoose Jimmy from the war. Signed, Jimmy's Mom. |
Hinermad: Either today is chipped beef day, or somebody pooped in my hat. I don't want to taste it - it might be chipped beef. |
Saltydog: "What the hell? Have an accident?" "No, thanks, just had one." |
NumanEllium: "Get off yer duff, Private GoWest, and get to capping." / "But, Sarge - I've been driving all day." |
Mr_Grant: Where 'you lollygaggers think you are, the European Theater? |
NumanEllium: Must've been *some* haircut... |
Saltydog: "Gee, Captain, it's great to be living in this futuristic world of 1982." "It sure is, Jimmy. Activate the Computometer." |
NumanEllium: "I'd say these apes have evolved a bit more since our last visit..." |
Daleman: I swear, the clock *is* our leader. <snicker> |
Geenius: 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 |
Geenius: "If we don't come out within half an hour, assume we've found a bitchin' kegger . . . and don't wait up." |
sylvermystique: Tengo el estomage reruelto. Mucho grande chichi, pichi conlero. (translate to english for me someone) |
Wicker_Chair: "Sorry, I don' speak no messican, and I done plan on spekin' none of that thar messican..." |
Geenius: Earl never knew what hit him. |
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